The main goal of the Insights Operator is to periodically gather anonymized data from the OCP cluster (mostly Kubernetes/OpenShift APIs and control plane components) and upload it to
for Insights analysis.
Insights Operator does not manage any application. As usual with operator applications, most of the code is structured in the pkg
package and pkg/controller/operator.go
hosts the operator controller. Typically, operator controllers read configuration and start some periodical tasks.
The Insights Operator's configuration is a combination of the file config/pod.yaml(basically default configuration hardcoded in the image) and the configuration stored in either the support
secret in the openshift-config
namespace or the insights-config
configmap in the openshift-insights
namespace. Neither the secret nor the configmap exist by default, but when they do, they override the default settings which IO reads from the config/pod.yaml
. The configmap takes precedent over the secret.
The insights-config
configmap provides the following configuration structure:
interval: 30m0s,
storagePath: /var/lib/insights-operator,
obfuscation: [workload_names networking]
disabled: false,
interval: 8h0m0s
disabled: false
interval: 1h0m0s
The support
secret provides following configuration attributes:
- upload endpoint. Overwritten bydataReporting/uploadEndpoint
from the configmap. Default is
- data gathering & uploading frequency. Overwritten bydataReporting/interval
from the configmap. Default is2h
eventually to set custom proxy, which overrides cluster proxy just for the Insights Operator. Overwritten byproxy/httpProxy
, respectively, from the configmap.enableGlobalObfuscation
- to enable the global obfuscation of the IP addresses and the cluster domain name. Overwritten bydataReporting/obfuscation
from the configmap. To enable it via configmap, set thedataReporting/obfuscation
to [networking
]. Default value isfalse
- download endpoint. From this endpoint, the Insights operator downloads the latest Insights analysis. Overwritten bydataReporting/downloadEndpoint
from the configmap. Default value is
must be replaced with the cluster ID).reportPullingDelay
- the delay between data upload and download. Default value is60s
- timeout for the Insights download request.reportMinRetryTime
- the time after which the request is retried. Default value is30s
- the endpoing for downloading the Simple Content Access(SCA) entitlements. Default value is
. Overwritten bysca/endpoint
from the configmap.scaInterval
- frequency of the SCA entitlements download. Overwritten bysca/interval
from the configmap. Default value is8h
- flag to disable the SCA entitlements download. Overwritten bysca/disabled
from the configmap. Default value isfalse
- the endpoint for checking & download cluster transfer data (updatedpull-secret
data). Overwritten byclusterTransfer/endpoint
from the configmap. Default values is
- frequency of checking available cluster transfers. Overwritten byclusterTransfer/interval
from the configmap. Default value is24h
- the endpoing providing conditional gathering rules definitions. Overwritten bydataReporting/conditionalGathererEndpoint
from the configmap. Default value is
- disables all the alerts registered by the Insights Operator. Overwritten byalerting/disabled
from the configmap. Default value isfalse
. Content example of thesupport
oc get secret support -n openshift-config -o=yaml
apiVersion: v1
endpoint: aHR0cHM6Ly9jbG91ZC5yZWRoYXQuY29tL2FwaS9pbmdyZXNzL3YxL3VwbG9hZA==
interval: Mmg=
kind: Secret
creationTimestamp: "2020-10-05T05:37:34Z"
name: support
namespace: openshift-config
resourceVersion: "823414"
selfLink: /api/v1/namespaces/openshift-config/secrets/support
uid: 0e522987-4c02-479d-8d10-e4f551e60b65
type: Opaque
oc get secret support -n openshift-config -o=json | jq -r .data.endpoint | base64 -d
oc get secret support -n openshift-config -o=json | jq -r .data.interval | base64 -d
To configure authentication to
Insights Operator reads preconfigured token from the pull-secret
secret (where are the cluster-wide tokens stored) in the openshift-config
namespace. The token to
is stored in .dockerjsonconfig
key (for historical reasons) in its auth
oc get secret/pull-secret -n openshift-config -o json | jq -r ".data | .[]" | base64 --decode | jq
"auths": {
"": {
"email": "",
The configuration secrets are periodically refreshed by the configobserver. Any code can register to receive signal through channel by using config.ConfigChanged()
, like for example in the insightsuploader.go
. It will then get notified when config changes.
configCh, cancelFn := c.configurator.ConfigChanged()
Internally the configObserver
has an array of subscribers, so all of them will get the signal.
A commonly used pattern in the Insights Operator is that the task is run as a go routine and performs its own cycle of periodic actions.
These actions are mostly started from the operator.go
. They are usually using wait.Until
- runs function periodically after short delay until end is signalled.
There are these main tasks scheduled:
- Gatherer
- Uploader
- Downloader (Report gatherer)
- Config Observer
- Disk Pruner
- SCA controller
- Cluster transfer controller
Insights operator defines three types of gatherers (see below). Each of them must implement the Interface, and they are initialized by calling gather.CreateAllGatherers
in operator.go
. The actual gathering is triggered in Run
method in pkg/controller/periodic/periodic.go
, but not every gatherer is triggered every time ( for example, see the CustomPeriodGatherer type).
Each gatherer includes one or more gathering functions. Gathering functions are defined as a map, where the key is the name of the function and the value is the GatheringClosure type. They are executed concurrently in the HandleTasksConcurrently
function in pkg/gather/task_processing.go
One of the attributes of the GatheringClosure
type is the function that returns the values: ([]record.Record, []error)
. The slice of the records is the result of gathering function. The actual data is in the Item
attribute of the Record
. This Item
is of type Marshalable
(see the interface in the record.go) and there are two JSON marshallers used to serialize the data - JSONMarshaller
and ResourceMarshaller
which allows you to save few bytes by omitting the managedFields
during the serialization.
Errors, warnings or panics that occurred during given gathering function are logged in the "metadata" part of the Insights operator archive. See sample archive example
Defined in clusterconfig_gatherer.go. This gatherer is run regularly (2h by default) and gathers various data related to cluster config (see gathered-data doc for more details).
The data from this gatherer is stored under /config
directory in the archive.
Defined in workloads_gatherer.go. This gatherer only runs every 12 hours and the interval is not configurable. This is done because running the gatherer more often would significantly increase data in the archive, that is assumed will not change very often. There is only one gathering function in this gatherer, and it gathers workload fingerprint data (SHA of the images, fingerprints of namespaces as number of pods in namespace, fingerprints of containers as first command and first argument).
The data from this gatherer is stored in the /config/workload_info.json
file in the archive, but please note that not every archive contains this data.
Defined in conditional_gatherer.go. This gatherer is run regularly (2h by default), but it only gathers some data when a corresponding condition is met. The conditions and corresponding gathering functions are defined in an external service ( A typical example of a condition is when an alert is firing. This also means that this gatherer relies on the availability of Prometheus metrics and alerts.
The functionality of this gatherer was extended in the 4.17 version. The value of the conditionalGathererEndpoint
was updated and the endpoint serves an updated content. The main addition is the field container_logs
in the content provided by the external service. This field was added during the implementation of the Rapid Recommendations OpenShift enhancement proposal and it contains an array of so called container log requests. Container log request might look as follows:
"namespace": "openshift-cloud-credential-operator",
"pod_name_regex": ".*",
"messages": [
"googleapis\\.com.*proxyconnect\\ tcp:\\ dial\\ tcp.*i/o\\ timeout"
The namespace
defines the namespace name. The pod_name_regex
defines a regular expression to match Pod names (in the given namespace) and finally messages
define a list of regular expressions to filter all the matching container logs. There is one optional attribute previous
saying whether you want to filter the log of a previous container.
After every successful upload of archive, the operator waits (see the reportPullingDelay
config attribute) and
then it tries to download the latest Insights analysis result of the latest archive (created by the Insights pipeline
). The report is verified by checking the LastCheckedAt
timestamp (see
). If the latest Insights result is not yet available (e.g. the pipeline may be
delayed) or there has been some error response, the download request is repeated (see the reportMinRetryTime
attribute). The successfully downloaded Insights report is parsed and the numbers of corresponding hitting Insights
recommendations are exposed via health_statuses_insights
Prometheus metric.
Code: Example of reported metrics:
# HELP health_statuses_insights [ALPHA] Information about the cluster health status as detected by Insights tooling.
# TYPE health_statuses_insights gauge
health_statuses_insights{metric="critical"} 0
health_statuses_insights{metric="important"} 0
health_statuses_insights{metric="low"} 1
health_statuses_insights{metric="moderate"} 1
health_statuses_insights{metric="total"} 2
, information about the cluster health status based on the last downloaded report, corresponding to its number of hitting recommendations grouped by severity.insightsclient_request_send_total
, tracks the number of archives sent.insightsclient_request_recvreport_total
, tracks the number of Insights reports received/downloaded.insightsclient_last_gather_time
, the time of the last Insights data gathering.insights_recommendation_active
, expose Insights recommendations as Prometheus alerts.
Note The metrics are registered by the
, Insights operator is disabled.SimpleContentAccessNotAvailable
, simple content access certificates are not available.InsightsRecommendationActive
, an Insights recommendation is active for this cluster.
Note The alerts are defined here
The operator.go
starts background task defined in pkg/insights/insightsuploader/insightsuploader.go
. The insights uploader periodically checks if there is any data to upload. If no data is found, the uploader continues with next cycle.
The uploader triggers the wait.Until
function, which waits until the configuration changes, or it is time to upload. After start of the operator, there is some waiting time before the very first upload. This time is defined by initialDelay
. If no error occurred while sending the POST request, then the next uploader check is defined as wait.Jitter(interval, 1.2)
, where interval is the gathering interval.
The HTTP communication with the external service (e.g uploading the Insights archive or downloading the Insights analysis) is defined in the insightsclient package. The HTTP transport is encrypted with TLS (see the clientTransport()
function defined in the pkg/insights/insightsclient/insightsclient.go
. This function (and the prepareRequest
function) uses pkg/authorizer/clusterauthorizer.go
to respect the proxy settings and to authorize (i.e add the authorization header with respective token value) the requests. The user defined certificates in the /var/run/configmaps/trusted-ca-bundle/ca-bundle.crt
are taken into account (see the cluster wide proxy setting in the OCP documentation).
Summarizer is defined by pkg/recorder/diskrecorder/diskrecorder.go
and is merging all existing archives. That is, it merges together all archives with name matching pattern insights-*.tar.gz
, which weren't removed and which are newer than the last check time. Then mergeReader is taking one file after another and adding all of them to archive under their path.
If the file names are unstable (for example reading from Api with Limit and reaching the Limit), it could merge together more files than specified in Api limit.
Another background task is from pkg/config/configobserver/configobserver.go
. The observer creates configObserver
by calling configObserver.New
, which sets default observing interval to 5 minutes.
The Start
method runs again wait.Until
every 5 minutes and reads both support
and pull-secret
By default Insights Operator Gather is calling diskrecorder to save newly collected data in a new file, but doesn't remove old. This is the task of diskpruner. Observer calls recorder.PeriodicallyPrune()
function. It is again using wait.Until pattern and runs approximately after every second interval.
Internally it calls diskrecorder.Prune
with maxAge = interval*6*24
(with 2h it is 12 days) everything older is going to be removed from the archive path (by default /tmp/insights-operator
The operator status is based on K8s Pod conditions. Code: How Insights Operator status conditions looks like:
oc get co insights -o=json | jq '.status.conditions'
"lastTransitionTime": "2022-05-16T06:41:35Z",
"message": "Monitoring the cluster",
"reason": "AsExpected",
"status": "False",
"type": "Progressing"
"lastTransitionTime": "2022-05-16T06:41:35Z",
"message": "Insights works as expected",
"reason": "AsExpected",
"status": "False",
"type": "Degraded"
"lastTransitionTime": "2022-05-18T08:11:58Z",
"message": "SCA certs successfully updated in the etc-pki-entitlement secret",
"reason": "Updated",
"status": "True",
"type": "SCAAvailable"
"lastTransitionTime": "2022-05-18T08:11:58Z",
"message": "no available cluster transfer",
"reason": "NoClusterTransfer",
"status": "False",
"type": "ClusterTransferAvailable"
"lastTransitionTime": "2022-05-16T06:41:35Z",
"message": "Insights operator can be upgraded",
"reason": "InsightsUpgradeable",
"status": "True",
"type": "Upgradeable"
"lastTransitionTime": "2022-05-16T06:41:35Z",
"reason": "AsExpected",
"status": "False",
"type": "Disabled"
"lastTransitionTime": "2022-05-16T06:41:35Z",
"message": "Insights works as expected",
"reason": "AsExpected",
"status": "True",
"type": "Available"
"lastTransitionTime": "2024-09-09T12:16:20Z",
"reason": "AsExpected",
"status": "True",
"type": "RemoteConfigurationValid"
"lastTransitionTime": "2024-09-09T12:16:20Z",
"reason": "AsExpected",
"status": "True",
"type": "RemoteConfigurationAvailable"
A condition is defined by its type. You may notice that there are some non-standard clusteroperator conditions. They are:
- based on the SCA (Simple Content Access) controller inpkg/ocm/sca/sca.go
and provides information about the status of downloading the SCA entitlements.ClusterTransferAvailable
- based on the cluster transfer controller inpkg/ocm/clustertransfer/cluster_transfer.go
and provides information about the availability of cluster transfers.Disabled
- indicates whether data gathering is disabled or enabled. Note that when the operator isDisabled=True
, it is still alsoAvailable=True
, which is strange at first glance, but the Cluster Version Operator (CVO) checks that all the clusteroperators areAvailable=True
during the OpenShift installation. If they are not, the installation will fail, which happens in disconnected environments/clusters where the Insights operator is usuallyDisabled=True
(because there is
token in thepull-secret
). You can find more about this topic in:- - note that when the Insights Operator is
then it does not require immediate administrator intervention (and thus it still reportsAvailable=True
) - i.e nobody should be paged in this situation -
- - note that when the Insights Operator is
refers to the remote configuration (originally known as Gathering conditions) provided by the external service (see the Conditional gatherer). This condition tells whether the endpoint was available (HTTP 200 status code) or not.RemoteConfigurationValid
refers to the remote configuration (originally known as Gathering conditions) provided by the external service (see the Conditional gatherer). This conditions tells whether the content read from the endpoint is a valid JSON and can be parsed by the operator.
In addition to the above clusteroperator conditions, there are some intermediate clusteroperator conditions. These are:
- this condition occurs when there is any unsuccessful upload of the Insights data (if the number of the upload attemp is equal or greater than 5 then the operator is marked as Degraded). Example is:{ "lastTransitionTime": "2022-05-18T10:12:23Z", "message": "Unable to report: gateway server reported unexpected error code: 404 (request=d358f839bc1c451389f3911ec8427f5e): 404 page not found\n", "reason": "UploadFailed", "status": "True", "type": "UploadDegraded" },
- this condition occurs when there is any unsuccessful download of the Insights analysis. Example is:{ "lastTransitionTime": "2022-05-18T10:17:49Z", "message": "Couldn't download the latest report: not found: (request=2e278890ef7d46c8b42ac735f1ba4476): 404 page not found\n", "reason": "NotAvailable", "status": "True", "type": "InsightsDownloadDegraded" },
The status is updated by pkg/controller/status/status.go
. Status has a background task, which periodically updates
the operator status from its internal list of sources. Any component which wants to participate in operator's status adds a
SimpleReporter, which returns its actual status. The Simple reporter is defined in controllerstatus
Code: In operator.go
components are adding their reporters to Status Sources:
This periodic status updater calls updateStatus
which sets the operator status after calling merge to all the provided sources.
The uploader updateStatus
determines if it is safe to upload, if cluster operator status is healthy. It relies on fact that updateStatus
is called on start of status cycle.
Internally Insights operator talks to Kubernetes API server over HTTP REST queries. Each query is authenticated by a Bearer token, to simulate see an actual Rest query being used, you can try:
oc get pods -A -v=9
I1006 12:26:33.972634 66541 loader.go:375] Config loaded from file: /home/mkunc/.kube/config
I1006 12:26:33.977546 66541 round_trippers.go:423] curl -k -v -XGET -H "Accept: application/json;as=Table;v=v1;,application/json;as=Table;v=v1beta1;,application/json" -H "User-Agent: oc/4.5.0 (linux/amd64) kubernetes/9933eb9" -H "Authorization: Bearer Xy9HoVzNdsRifGr3oCIl7pfxwkeqE2u058avw6o969w" ''
I1006 12:26:36.075230 66541 round_trippers.go:443] GET 200 OK in 2097 milliseconds
I1006 12:26:36.075284 66541 round_trippers.go:449] Response Headers:
I1006 12:26:36.075300 66541 round_trippers.go:452] Audit-Id: 53ad17b9-c3fe-4166-9693-2bacf60f7dcc
I1006 12:26:36.075313 66541 round_trippers.go:452] Cache-Control: no-cache, private
I1006 12:26:36.075326 66541 round_trippers.go:452] Content-Type: application/json
I1006 12:26:36.075347 66541 round_trippers.go:452] Vary: Accept-Encoding
I1006 12:26:36.075370 66541 round_trippers.go:452] Date: Tue, 06 Oct 2020 10:26:36 GMT
I1006 12:26:36.467245 66541 request.go:1068] Response Body: {"kind":"Table","apiVersion":"","metadata":{"selfLink":"/api/v1/pods"
But adding Bearer token and creating Rest query is all handled automatically for us by using Clients, which are generated, type safe golang libraries, like or Both these libraries are generated by automation, which specifies from which Api repo and which Api Group it generates it.
All clients are created near/at where they are going to be used, we pass around the configs that were created from the KUBECONFIG envvar defined in cluster. Reason for doing this is that there are many clients every one of which is cheap to create and passing around the config is simple while also not changing much over time. On the other hand its quite cumbersome to pass around a bunch of clients, the number of which is changing by the day, with no benefit.
In IO deployment manifest is specified service account operator (serviceAccountName: operator). This is the account under which insights operator runs or reads its configuration or also reads the metrics. Because Insights Operator needs quite powerful credentials to access cluster-wide resources, it has one more service account called gather. It is created in manifest.
Code: To verify if gather account has right permissions to call verb list from apigroup machinesets I can use:
kubectl auth can-i list machinesets --as=system:serviceaccount:openshift-insights:gather
This account is used to impersonate any clients which are being used in Gather Api calls. The impersonated account is set in operator go: Code: In Operator.go specific Api client is using impersonated account
gatherKubeConfig := rest.CopyConfig(controller.KubeConfig)
if len(s.Impersonate) > 0 {
gatherKubeConfig.Impersonate.UserName = s.Impersonate
// .. and later on this impersonated client is used to create another clients
gatherConfigClient, err := configv1client.NewForConfig(gatherKubeConfig)
Code: The impersonated account is specified in config/pod.yaml (or config/local.yaml) using:
impersonate: system:serviceaccount:openshift-insights:gather
To test where the client has right permissions, the command mentioned above with verb, api and service account can be used.
Note: I was only able to test missing permissions on OCP 4.3, the versions above seems like always passing fine. Maybe higher versions don't have RBAC enabled.
Code: Example error returned from Api, in this case downloading Get config from imageregistry. "cluster" is forbidden: User "system:serviceaccount:openshift-insights:gather" cannot get resource "configs" in API group "" at the cluster scope
If any cloud native application wants to add some Kubernetes Api endpoint, it needs to define it using K8s Api extensions and it would need to define Custom Resource Definition. Openshift itself defines them for (ClusterOperators, Proxy, Image, ..). Thus for using api of Openshift, we need to use Openshift's client-go generated client. If we would need to use Api of some other Operators, we would need to find if Operator is defining Api.
Typically when operator defines a new CRD type, this type would be defined inside of its repo (for example Machine Config Operator's MachineConfig).
To talk to specific Api, we need to have generated clientset and generated lister types from the CRD type. There might be three possibilities:
- Operator doesn't generate clientset nor lister types
- Operator generate only lister types
- Operator generates both, clientset and lister types
Machine Config Operator defines:
Normally such a generation is not intended for other consumers, unless it is prepared in a separate api library. For example Operators Lifecycle Manager defines its CRD types here. Operators framework is exposing in Api only CRD and lister types, not ClientSet.
One problem with adding new operator to go.mod is that usually other operator will have its own reference to k8s/api (and related k8s/library-go), which might be different then what Insights Operator is using, which could cause issues during compilation (when referenced Operator is using Api from new k8s api).
If it is impossible to reference, or operator doesn't expose generated Lister or ClientSet types in all these cases when we don't have type safe Api, we can still use non type safe custom build types called dynamic client. There are two cases, when Lister types exists, but no ClientSet, or when no Lister types exists at all both have examples here. Such a client is used in GatherMachineSet.
Insights API and the corresponding
CRD allow you to specify a list of disabledGatherers
to disable specific gatherers or disable data gathering altogether by setting the value to all