In the case I die or get hit by a train, here's my normal procedure:
- Scour github for repos
- Find a repo, do a quick cursory scan, use bookmarklet to add it to the site if it passes smell test
- Go to site, see projects with missing logos, use admin to clean up name and add logo
- Go through all projects with missing categories and add them
- When bored, do synopsis
javascript:(function()%7Bconst gh %3D document.querySelector('meta%5Bname%3D"octolytics-dimension-repository_nwo"%5D').getAttribute('content')%3Bvar win %3D "myWindow"%2C"status %3D 1%2C height %3D 30%2C width %3D 30%2C resizable %3D 0" )%3BsetTimeout( function() %7Bwin.close()%3B%7D%2C 1000)%7D)()