To upload to Google Docs in development you can follow these steps. We will need to obtain Google API credentials (GOOGLE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_CREDENTIALS
) and a Google Docs Folder (GDOC_GOOGLE_FOLDER_ID
) to upload to. We will use these 2 environment variables to generate DOCX files and then upload them to Google.
Sign in to
Click “Select a Project” from the horizontal blue bar at the top of the screen and then select “New Project” from the modal
Choose a name for the project (it has to be unique) like “openstax-pipeline-gdocs-1234” and be sure that “No Organization” is selected and select “Create”. If you cannot select No Organization try using a non-rice Google account (Rice prevents employees from creating Service Accounts).
Now select the project (for me it was in the Notifications menu). You should see the following:
Next, we need to enable the Google Drive API. Click “Go to APIs Overview” (or visit this link and then select the project: ):
Click “Enable APIs and Services” and select the Google Drive API:
Enable Google Drive API:
Add a Service Account by opening the hamburger menu at the top-left, select IAM & Admin, and then select Service Accounts:
Click “Create Service Account”:
Enter a name, skip the rest of the input boxes, and click Done.
Note: Remember this email. You will share a Google Docs folder with it later on.
Select the service account you just created, switch to the Keys tab, click Add Key and then click Create New Key
Choose the JSON format, click Create, and then save the file locally. It should be named something like openstax-pipeline-gdocs-1234-d34db33f.json
With those steps we now have the GOOGLE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_CREDENTIALS entry. Note: the JSON in the file should have about 10 fields including type, project_id, private_key_id, private_key, client_id, client_email, auth_uri, …
Now we need to create a folder and share the folder with the service account.
In create a new Folder (e.g. “Test GDocs Root” ) and share it with the email address of the service account you created earlier (e.g.
Use the CLI to generate DOCX files for a book. For example: (the exact syntax is subject to change):
./enki --command all-docx --repo openstax/osbooks-introduction-sociology --book-slug introduction-sociology-3e --ref main