diff --git a/application/src/main/resources/org/opentripplanner/apis/gtfs/schema.graphqls b/application/src/main/resources/org/opentripplanner/apis/gtfs/schema.graphqls index de1230b9eca..73e2020a28a 100644 --- a/application/src/main/resources/org/opentripplanner/apis/gtfs/schema.graphqls +++ b/application/src/main/resources/org/opentripplanner/apis/gtfs/schema.graphqls @@ -670,8 +670,10 @@ type Leg { """ headsign: String """ - An identifier for the leg, which can be used to re-fetch transit leg information. + An identifier for the leg, which can be used to re-fetch transit leg information, except leg's fare products. Re-fetching fails when the underlying transit data no longer exists. + **Note:** when both id and fare products are queried with [Relay](https://relay.dev/), id should be queried using a suitable GraphQL alias + such as `legId: id`. Relay does not accept different fare product ids in otherwise identical legs. """ id: String """ @@ -1173,6 +1175,7 @@ type QueryType { """ Try refetching the current state of a transit leg using its id. This fails when the underlying transit data (mostly IDs) has changed or are no longer available. + Fare products cannot be refetched using this query. """ leg(id: String!): Leg """