- Centos 8
- Ubuntu 18.04
- Debian Bullseye
- Promote v1beta1 to v1 as the first official release.
- Add Integration FAQ to help hardware developers understand details of the solution
- For python tests, updated the ssl certificate since the original had expired. Changed expiry to 10 years.
- Removed Activation from protocol buffer defininition and reference implementations. During implemenation a better approach was identofied and will be added in a later release. Config will be used until the new Activation approach is re-implemented.
- Renamed statisticsRequestArgs to sessionRequestArgs
- Renamed sessionResponseArray to sessionResponses
- Removed Activation messages
- Fixed bugs in C/C++ code in opof_get_closed_sessions
- Add more test cases in C/C++ code
- Added field in addSession to define the session cache timeout.
- Added message for to improve addSession error handling and depreciated prevous code.
- Changed model for getAllSessions from streaming to buffers.
- None
- None
- Added C++ libraries and bindings
- Added C libraries for server and client
- Added Doxygen for C/C++ code
- Changed addSession to be a streaming interface.
- Changed IP V4 and V6 to network byte order format instead of string.
- None
- None
- Added RELEASE_NOTES.md (this file)
- Added Makefile to generate language bindings (Python, Golang and C++)
- Added Documentation on how to use interfaces
- Updated Activatation API to be Camel Case
- Changed Activation Service to have simpler API
- None
- Original Version
- Original Version
- Original Version
- Original Version