Currently reading:
Why we sleep
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- Learn anything - curated list of podcasts
{% hint style="info" %}
- 58 podcasts currently subscribed to.
- Listening since 21.02.2017:
- 198 days listened.
- 101 days saved (using variable speed).
(Last updated 24.04.2023) {% endhint %}
- Stratechery - technology analysis.
- Marco Arment - technology.
- Roy Solberg - technology, security.
- Chaffeys blogg - samfunn, politikk.
- Olav Torvund - juss, samfunn.
- NRKbeta - teknologi, media, personvern.
- Eivind Berg - økonomi, investering og sparing.
- Bekkelund - teknologi, samfunn.
- Eirik Newth - verdensrommet, Mars, personlig blogg.
- Kode24 - teknologi, programmering.
- Pocket Hits - personalised recommendations of articles.
- hackernewsletter - startups, technology, programming, and more.
- Money Stuff - finance, economy.
- No Mercy / No Malice - tech, digital economy (Scott Galloway)
- DuckDuckGo Privacy Weekly - privacy
- Patrick Collison: Bookshelf
- Goodreads - book recommendations
- Signaling as a Service - signaling to show off and increase our social status.
- Why I’ve tracked every single piece of clothing I’ve worn for three years - data about a persons usage of his clothes.
- Why are there so many tech layoffs, and why should we be worried? - Stanford Graduate School of Business Professor Jeffrey Pfeffer
- Feedly - RSS reader.
- Feedbin - RSS reader.
- Hacker News (Original) and alternative interface - user submitted content.
- Pocket - read later and recommendations.
- Pocket Casts - podcasts (sound).
- FindAReddit - Categorised subreddits.
- Kill The Newsletter