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teemip调研 #114
TeemIP:方便的IP地址管理随着网络规模的扩大,它们变得越来越复杂。如果没有工具来帮助你规划和跟踪你所拥有的内容,目标位置以及配置方式,最终将无法控制你的网络。有太多的组织开始使用Excel电子表格来完成这类任务,但是随着他们的网络扩展,他们最终会遇到一堆作茧自缚的表格,这些表格变得如此笨拙而无用。我们有更好的方法。 来自Combodo的TeemIP是一个更好的策略,有三个重要原因;它可以扩展,提供一致且全面的网络IP资源文档,并且是免费的。TeemIP是一个变更管理数据库系统,它将IP地址管理与故障单系统相结合,以便可以在位置,组织,用户和角色的上下文中管理IP地址和网络设备,并且可以跟踪用户故障和变更请求。 TeemIP是一个基于Web的应用程序,可以在Windows,Linux,macOS和Solaris上运行几乎任何AMP堆栈(例如,带有MySQL 5.5.3+和PHP 5.3.6+的Apache/IIS/nginx)以及所有主要浏览器。它将处理IPv4和IPv6地址注册,子网和范围规划,并提供容量跟踪和管理,支持嵌套以允许IP空间的委派。 可以分配IP地址并为打印机和DHCP服务等设备定义保留范围,以及拆分,收缩和扩展子网和子网块,以及生成报告和运行审核。还可以集成外部数据源,例如设备发现,并从CSV文件导入大量数据,如果你一直依赖电子表格,则可以提供重新利用现有数据的宝贵能力。还可以使用对象查询语言导出为CSV,HTML和XML格式。 使TeemIP真正强大的功能是集成的故障和变更工单系统。可以将工单系统用户定义为管理员,配置管理员,文档作者,帮助台代理,主持人,门户高级用户,仅门户用户或这些角色的组合。身份验证可以是本地的,通过LDAP或外部(例如,通过Active Directory或OAuth)。 TeemIP是免费和开源的,有两个版本:独立或作为Combodo ITop的扩展,这是一个IT服务管理解决方案,反过来,它有一个FOSS社区版本以及三个带有附加功能的高级版本。 结论:TeemIP是一个功能强大且复杂的IP地址管理解决方案,开发商Combodo非常关注支持请求,并定期推出具有新功能的新版本。TeemIP绝对值得考虑作为你的网络管理战略的核心组成部分。 |
adaptorsref: https://wiki.teemip.net/doku.php?id=2_x:datamodel:teemip_cmdb teemip-config-mgmt-adaptorThis module is mandatory and covers all the basic building blocks of the CMDB: Organizations, Persons, Teams, Servers, Software Entitites, Groups… ref: https://wiki.teemip.net/doku.php?id=2_x:datamodel:teemip-config-mgmt 修改了以下 iTop 模型
teemip-datacenter-mgmt-adaptorThis optional module provides support for datacenter related devices: Racks, Enclosures, Power connections and PDUs. 修改了以下 iTop 模型:
teemip-endusers-devices-adaptorThis optional module provides support for end-user related devices: PCs, Telephones, Printers and other Peripherals. 修改了以下 iTop 模型:
teemip-storage-mgmt-adaptorThis optional module defines objects to manage advanced storage infrastructures, including SAN, NAS, Storage Systems, Fiber Channel Interfaces, Volumes… 修改了以下 iTop 模型:
teemip-virtualization-mgmt-adaptorVirtual Machines, Hypervisors, Farms are defined in this module. You don't need to install this module if you don't want to managed virtualized infrastructures. 修改了以下 iTop 模型:
teemip-network-mgmtThis module is mandatory and provides network specific objects: IP Interfaces, VLANs, WAN links, DNS domains, AS numbers, VRFs.
teemip-ip-mgmtIP管理提供了 4 类对象
Subnet blocks子网块是分层的容器,主要目的是为公司或组织的IPv4和IPv6计划建模。它们代表分配给地理实体(地区、国家……)或预留给特定使用(WAN、数据中心LAN、办公空间……)的大块IP空间。它们可以保存子网块或子网。 子网块可以分层,类似组织那样,比如 作为一个 子网块用于办公网,可以再分成3个子网块分别给3个办公地点使用。 子网块 没有网关和掩码属性,只有 起始 和 终止 IP 地址(但是可以通过 Global Setting 设置 子网块 CIDR 对齐 以及IP块的最小容量)。 管理功能树形展示在列表页可以操作 Delegate(授权,委派,分配)只有创建之后才能 Delegate,并且需要满足以下两点:
默认情况下,只能 Delegate 给IP块所属组织的子组织,但是可以通过 Global IP Settings 来修改。 Un-Delegate(取消授权)A delegated block can be returned to its original owner organization with the “Un-delegate” action. Condition to remove a delegation on a subnet block is that the block doesn't contain any child block nor subnet. In order to un-delegate a subnet block, just click on the “Un-delegate” action of the “Other Actions” menu. If above condition is met, delegation will be removed straight away. Shrink(压缩)需要满足的条件
List Space树形列出 Find SpaceThis “Find Space” action available from the “Other Actions” menu helps IP administrator to find free space of a given size within a subnet block and to allocate it if required. |
SubnetsTeemIp中的子网对象表示标准广播域。它们用于注册物理或虚拟lan。默认情况下,所有子网必须附加到一个子网块。 管理功能子网计算器可以在子网的 其他操作 中,也可以在 左侧导航,IP Mnagement->Tools->Subnet Calculator 找到。 压缩规则:
压缩表单里,Shrink by 是几个固定的数字(Reduction scale to apply to the mask - 2, 4, 8 or 16),分别是 2 的 1,2,3,4 次方,Shrink by 2 表示掩码右移一位,如果是 扩展This action may change the IP of the subnet:
问题: 上面说的
似乎没有生效? Update: 经过多次测试,此情况因为设置了 IP Usage 为 teemip repo issue 回应:
实测,将 "Reserve Subnet, Gateway and Broadcast IPs at Subnet Creation" 设置为 Yes,新建 Subnet 后,将自动创建 网络地址,网关地址和广播地址 3 个状态为 Reserved 的 IP。 分割规则:
List & Pick IPsThe List & Pick IPs action simply lists, in numerical order, all the IP ranges and IP addresses hosted within a subnet. It lists as well the free IP addresses and provides the possibility to directly register one of them. Find SpaceThis action helps IP administrator to find free space of a given size within an IPv4 or IPv6 subnet and to allocate it if required. When selected, the following page is displayed: 方便创建 IP Range。 CSV导出This function exports in a text format all IPs of a given subnet: IPs that are registered (regardless their status: allocated, reserved, released or unassigned) and IPs that are not registered and that don’t exit as an object in TeemIp data base. |
IP RangesTeemIp中的IP范围对象表示属于给定子网的一组连续IP地址。通常,IP范围用于为应用程序(如DHCP)保留IP空间,或用于对共享相同功能的设备(如打印机)进行分组。 IP Ranges 支持的管理操作只有 List & Pick IPs 和 CSV导出。功能和 Subnets 基本一样。 |
IP Addresses显然,TeemIp中的IP地址对象建模了Internet协议的地址。同时支持版本4和版本6。 需要注意的是,IP 地址的用途是在 类型配置(Typology)中定义的,并且需要针对每个组织单独定义(如果有多个组织需要用)。
管理操作Allocate Address to CI可以将 IP 分配给 服务器,虚拟机,网络设备等,但是不能分配给 网卡。 Un-allocate address from all CI取消分配。 问题在 IP 详情页看不到 IP链接的 网卡。 Links between IP Addresses and CIsTeemIp has been designed to provide a comprehensive modelization and documentation of the link(s) that a CI and an IP address may share together. Some CIs, like servers or network devices, have one IP attribute that represents their management IP. For them:
One or more IPs (with no limitation of quantity) can be attached to them,
Obsoleting CIsWhen a CI becomes obsolete, its IPs can automatically be released from it, as described in the related CMDB chapter. |
提醒配置基于 iTop 触发器,需手动创建触发器和动作 网络管理员没有时间每天分析他们的IP空间的容量:检查有多少空间被使用,如果有任何资源(子网,IP范围)接近满。为了帮助它们完成容量规划职责,TeemIp集成了一个通知机制,该机制密切关注子网和IP范围的消耗情况,并在超过阈值时发出警报。 对于子网和IP范围对象,已经定义了低水位和高水位标记。创建IP时,TeemIp检查在子网或IP所属的IP范围中是否跨越了这些阈值。如果是这样,并且已经为这样的事件创建了一个通知,那么为该通知定义的动作就会被激活……并且会将事件通知给管理员。 当IPs被删除时,子网或IP范围占用率可能低于一个阈值。但是,这不会触发任何操作。注意,这种机制不适用于大小小于8 IPs - /29的子网。 |
REST/JSON Services模块为 teemip-webservices 功能
teemip/get_nb_of_registered_ips_in_subnetGet the number of registered IPs in one subnet or in a list of subnets. Answer will contain the following details, for each of the requested subnets:
示例: json_data={"operation":"teemip/get_nb_of_registered_ips_in_subnet","class":"IPv4Subnet","key":2} 响应: {
"objects": {
"IPv4Subnet::2": {
"code": 0,
"message": "computed",
"class": "IPv4Subnet",
"key": "2",
"fields": {
"org_name": "Demo",
"name": "tedst",
"ip": "",
"mask": ""
"subnet_size": 512,
"nb_of_ips": {
"allocated": 9,
"released": 0,
"reserved": 0,
"unassigned": 0,
"total registered": 9,
"free ips": 501
"code": 0,
"message": "Found: 1"
} teemip/pick_ip_address_in_subnetPick and register an available IP in a given subnet. The first available IP will be registered unless an offset has been set for this operation in which case the first available IP next to the offset will be taken. The offset is defined in the Global IP Settings for the organization. 请求: {"operation":"teemip/pick_ip_address_in_subnet","class":"IPv4Subnet","key":2,"fields":[{"status":"reserved"}]} 响应: {
"code": 100,
"message": "Error: Unknown attribute request_creation_ipv4_offset from class IPConfig"
} 应该是 bug,IPConfig 中没有 Update: Issue 回复
teemip/pick_ip_address_in_rangePick and register an available IP in a given IP range. The first available IP will be registered and no offset can be used here. The request may specify the attributes to be given to the IP. Similarly, output fields may be specified in the request. 请求: {"operation":"teemip/pick_ip_address_in_range","class":"IPv4Range","key":15,"fields":{"status":"reserved"}} 响应: {
"objects": {
"IPv4Address::36": {
"code": 0,
"message": "created",
"class": "IPv4Address",
"key": "36",
"fields": {
"org_id": "3",
"org_name": "Demo",
"status": "reserved",
"comment": "",
"requestor_id": "0",
"requestor_name": "",
"allocation_date": "",
"release_date": "",
"contact_list": [],
"document_list": [],
"short_name": "",
"domain_id": "0",
"domain_name": "",
"fqdn": "",
"aliases": "",
"usage_id": "0",
"usage_name": "",
"ip_list": [],
"subnet_id": "2",
"subnet_ip": "",
"range_id": "15",
"range_name": "A32",
"ip": "",
"finalclass": "IPv4Address",
"friendlyname": "",
"org_id_friendlyname": "Demo",
"org_id_obsolescence_flag": "",
"requestor_id_friendlyname": " ",
"requestor_id_obsolescence_flag": "",
"domain_id_friendlyname": "",
"usage_id_friendlyname": "",
"subnet_id_friendlyname": "",
"range_id_friendlyname": "A32"
"code": 0,
"message": null
} teemip/pick_subnet_in_block请求: {"operation":"teemip/pick_subnet_in_block","class":"IPv4Block","key":1,"fields":{"name":"Vlan-$i", "mask":"","status":"reserved"}} 响应: {
"objects": {
"IPv4Subnet::35": {
"code": 0,
"message": "created",
"class": "IPv4Subnet",
"key": "35",
"fields": {
"org_id": "3",
"org_name": "Demo",
"status": "reserved",
"comment": "",
"requestor_id": "0",
"requestor_name": "",
"allocation_date": "",
"release_date": "",
"contact_list": [],
"document_list": [],
"name": "Vlan-$i",
"type": "",
"write_reason": "none",
"ip_occupancy": "0",
"range_occupancy": "0",
"alarm_water_mark": "no_alarm",
"subnets_list": [],
"vlans_list": [],
"vrfs_list": [],
"location_list": [],
"block_id": "1",
"block_name": "test",
"ip": "",
"mask": "",
"gatewayip": "",
"broadcastip": "",
"summary": "",
"finalclass": "IPv4Subnet",
"friendlyname": "",
"org_id_friendlyname": "Demo",
"org_id_obsolescence_flag": "",
"requestor_id_friendlyname": " ",
"requestor_id_obsolescence_flag": "",
"block_id_friendlyname": "test"
"code": 0,
"message": null
} |
周边IP Discovery扩展地址:https://wiki.teemip.net/doku.php?id=extensions:teemip-ip-discovery Ticket扩展地址:https://wiki.teemip.net/doku.php?id=extensions:teemip-request-mgmt DNS Zone Management扩展地址:https://wiki.teemip.net/doku.php?id=extensions:teemip-zone-mgmt |
teemip 是什么
All network administrators do recognize how important it is to have a well managed IP space: a comprehensive and up to date inventory of all subnets and IPs used in a network as well as clear and simple processes to request, change or release IPs are underlying key factors for a trouble free network.
所有网络管理员都意识到拥有一个良好管理的IP空间的重要性:网络中使用的所有子网和IP的全面,最新清单以及清晰,简单的请求,更改或释放IP的流程是基础 无故障网络的因素。
Unfortunately, in many companies or organizations, IP Management is not perceived as a critical service of IT operations. And when it is recognized as such, the price of standard solutions sold from software vendors is so high that investment in a tool is always postponed to the next fiscal exercise.
不幸的是,在许多公司或组织中,IP管理并未被视为IT运营的关键服务。 因此,从软件供应商那里购买的标准解决方案的价格是如此之高,以至于对工具的投资总是被推迟到下一次财政活动中。
As a consequence, network administrators often struggle to keep a decent inventory of their IP space and they rely by default on inconvenient Excel spread sheets or DNS configuration files to do their job.
TeemIp project has precisely been created answer that problematic. It’s an open source solution that offers:
An IP referential to manage IPv4 and IPv6 addressing plans: blocks of subnets, subnets, IP ranges and IP addresses
An IP discovery tool,
A CMDB to manage standard CIs as well as VLANs, WAN links, AS numbers and VRFs,
Domain name and zone management capabilities,
An IP request workflow to process allocations, changes or releases of IP addressses or subnets,
And more as you’ll discover on this site.
teemip itop扩展是什么
IPAM for iTop is the module / extension version of TeemIp that can be integrated on an existing iTop instance. It only provides the core IP management features embbeded in TeemIp standalone. Other features are available for iTop through extensions.
TeemIp provides a large set of features, all dedicated to the world of IP Address, DNS, DHCP and Network Management. Most of them are by default embebbed in the standalone version of the product. TeemIp as a module that you’ll install on your iTop solution just contains the core features but all others ones can be individually added to it like any iTop extension.
iTop 扩展的的名字叫 IPAM for iTop,文件名叫 teemip-core-ip-mgmt,其他功能,比如 DHCP管理,DNS Zone 管理,IP Discovery,IP Request Mnagement 等也可以在安装 IPAM for iTop 之后安装到 iTop 中。
ref: https://www.teemip.net/?page_id=58
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