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Calculator module that checks if a given vault is valid, calculates margin requirements, and settlement proceeds


  • constructor(address _oracle) (public)

  • setCollateralDust(address _collateral, uint256 _dust) (external)

  • setUpperBoundValues(address _underlying, address _strike, address _collateral, bool _isPut, uint256[] _timesToExpiry, uint256[] _values) (external)

  • updateUpperBoundValue(address _underlying, address _strike, address _collateral, bool _isPut, uint256 _timeToExpiry, uint256 _value) (external)

  • setSpotShock(address _underlying, address _strike, address _collateral, bool _isPut, uint256 _shockValue) (external)

  • setOracleDeviation(uint256 _deviation) (external)

  • getCollateralDust(address _collateral) (external)

  • getTimesToExpiry(address _underlying, address _strike, address _collateral, bool _isPut) (external)

  • getMaxPrice(address _underlying, address _strike, address _collateral, bool _isPut, uint256 _timeToExpiry) (external)

  • getSpotShock(address _underlying, address _strike, address _collateral, bool _isPut) (external)

  • getOracleDeviation() (external)

  • getNakedMarginRequired(address _underlying, address _strike, address _collateral, uint256 _shortAmount, uint256 _strikePrice, uint256 _underlyingPrice, uint256 _shortExpiryTimestamp, uint256 _collateralDecimals, bool _isPut) (external)

  • getExpiredPayoutRate(address _otoken) (external)

  • isLiquidatable(struct MarginVault.Vault _vault, uint256 _vaultType, uint256 _vaultLatestUpdate, uint256 _roundId) (external)

  • getMarginRequired(struct MarginVault.Vault _vault, uint256 _vaultType) (external)

  • getExcessCollateral(struct MarginVault.Vault _vault, uint256 _vaultType) (public)

  • _getExpiredCashValue(address _underlying, address _strike, uint256 _expiryTimestamp, uint256 _strikePrice, bool _isPut) (internal)

  • _getMarginRequired(struct MarginVault.Vault _vault, struct MarginCalculator.VaultDetails _vaultDetails) (internal)

  • _getNakedMarginRequired(bytes32 _productHash, struct FixedPointInt256.FixedPointInt _shortAmount, struct FixedPointInt256.FixedPointInt _underlyingPrice, struct FixedPointInt256.FixedPointInt _strikePrice, uint256 _shortExpiryTimestamp, bool _isPut) (internal)

  • _findUpperBoundValue(bytes32 _productHash, uint256 _expiryTimestamp) (internal)

  • _getPutSpreadMarginRequired(struct FixedPointInt256.FixedPointInt _shortAmount, struct FixedPointInt256.FixedPointInt _longAmount, struct FixedPointInt256.FixedPointInt _shortStrike, struct FixedPointInt256.FixedPointInt _longStrike) (internal)

  • _getCallSpreadMarginRequired(struct FixedPointInt256.FixedPointInt _shortAmount, struct FixedPointInt256.FixedPointInt _longAmount, struct FixedPointInt256.FixedPointInt _shortStrike, struct FixedPointInt256.FixedPointInt _longStrike) (internal)

  • _convertAmountOnLivePrice(struct FixedPointInt256.FixedPointInt _amount, address _assetA, address _assetB) (internal)

  • _convertAmountOnExpiryPrice(struct FixedPointInt256.FixedPointInt _amount, address _assetA, address _assetB, uint256 _expiry) (internal)

  • _getDebtPrice(struct FixedPointInt256.FixedPointInt _vaultCollateral, struct FixedPointInt256.FixedPointInt _vaultDebt, struct FixedPointInt256.FixedPointInt _cashValue, struct FixedPointInt256.FixedPointInt _spotPrice, uint256 _auctionStartingTime, uint256 _collateralDecimals, bool _isPut) (internal)

  • _getVaultDetails(struct MarginVault.Vault _vault, uint256 _vaultType) (internal)

  • _getExpiredSpreadCashValue(struct FixedPointInt256.FixedPointInt _shortAmount, struct FixedPointInt256.FixedPointInt _longAmount, struct FixedPointInt256.FixedPointInt _shortCashValue, struct FixedPointInt256.FixedPointInt _longCashValue) (internal)

  • _isNotEmpty(address[] _assets) (internal)

  • _checkIsValidVault(struct MarginVault.Vault _vault, struct MarginCalculator.VaultDetails _vaultDetails) (internal)

  • _isMarginableLong(struct MarginVault.Vault _vault, struct MarginCalculator.VaultDetails _vaultDetails) (internal)

  • _isMarginableCollateral(struct MarginVault.Vault _vault, struct MarginCalculator.VaultDetails _vaultDetails) (internal)

  • _getProductHash(address _underlying, address _strike, address _collateral, bool _isPut) (internal)

  • _getCashValue(struct FixedPointInt256.FixedPointInt _strikePrice, struct FixedPointInt256.FixedPointInt _underlyingPrice, bool _isPut) (internal)

  • _getOtokenDetails(address _otoken) (internal)


  • CollateralDustUpdated(address collateral, uint256 dust)

  • TimeToExpiryAdded(bytes32 productHash, uint256 timeToExpiry)

  • MaxPriceAdded(bytes32 productHash, uint256 timeToExpiry, uint256 value)

  • MaxPriceUpdated(bytes32 productHash, uint256 timeToExpiry, uint256 oldValue, uint256 newValue)

  • SpotShockUpdated(bytes32 product, uint256 spotShock)

  • OracleDeviationUpdated(uint256 oracleDeviation)

Function constructor(address _oracle) public



  • _oracle: oracle module address

Function setCollateralDust(address _collateral, uint256 _dust) external

set dust amount for collateral asset

can only be called by owner


  • _collateral: collateral asset address

  • _dust: dust amount, should be scaled by collateral asset decimals

Function setUpperBoundValues(address _underlying, address _strike, address _collateral, bool _isPut, uint256[] _timesToExpiry, uint256[] _values) external

set product upper bound values

can only be called by owner


  • _underlying: otoken underlying asset

  • _strike: otoken strike asset

  • _collateral: otoken collateral asset

  • _isPut: otoken type

  • _timesToExpiry: array of times to expiry timestamp

  • _values: upper bound values array

Function updateUpperBoundValue(address _underlying, address _strike, address _collateral, bool _isPut, uint256 _timeToExpiry, uint256 _value) external

set option upper bound value for specific time to expiry (1e27)

can only be called by owner


  • _underlying: otoken underlying asset

  • _strike: otoken strike asset

  • _collateral: otoken collateral asset

  • _isPut: otoken type

  • _timeToExpiry: option time to expiry timestamp

  • _value: upper bound value

Function setSpotShock(address _underlying, address _strike, address _collateral, bool _isPut, uint256 _shockValue) external

set spot shock value, scaled to 1e27

can only be called by owner


  • _underlying: otoken underlying asset

  • _strike: otoken strike asset

  • _collateral: otoken collateral asset

  • _isPut: otoken type

  • _shockValue: spot shock value

Function setOracleDeviation(uint256 _deviation) external

set oracle deviation (1e27)

can only be called by owner


  • _deviation: deviation value

Function getCollateralDust(address _collateral) → uint256 external

get dust amount for collateral asset


  • _collateral: collateral asset address

Return Values:

  • dust amount

Function getTimesToExpiry(address _underlying, address _strike, address _collateral, bool _isPut) → uint256[] external

get times to expiry for a specific product


  • _underlying: otoken underlying asset

  • _strike: otoken strike asset

  • _collateral: otoken collateral asset

  • _isPut: otoken type

Return Values:

  • array of times to expiry

Function getMaxPrice(address _underlying, address _strike, address _collateral, bool _isPut, uint256 _timeToExpiry) → uint256 external

get option upper bound value for specific time to expiry


  • _underlying: otoken underlying asset

  • _strike: otoken strike asset

  • _collateral: otoken collateral asset

  • _isPut: otoken type

  • _timeToExpiry: option time to expiry timestamp

Return Values:

  • option upper bound value (1e27)

Function getSpotShock(address _underlying, address _strike, address _collateral, bool _isPut) → uint256 external

get spot shock value


  • _underlying: otoken underlying asset

  • _strike: otoken strike asset

  • _collateral: otoken collateral asset

  • _isPut: otoken type

Return Values:

  • _shockValue spot shock value (1e27)

Function getOracleDeviation() → uint256 external

get oracle deviation

Return Values:

  • oracle deviation value (1e27)

Function getNakedMarginRequired(address _underlying, address _strike, address _collateral, uint256 _shortAmount, uint256 _strikePrice, uint256 _underlyingPrice, uint256 _shortExpiryTimestamp, uint256 _collateralDecimals, bool _isPut) → uint256 external

return the collateral required for naked margin vault, in collateral asset decimals

_shortAmount, _strikePrice and _underlyingPrice should be scaled by 1e8


  • _underlying: underlying asset address

  • _strike: strike asset address

  • _collateral: collateral asset address

  • _shortAmount: amount of short otoken

  • _strikePrice: otoken strike price

  • _underlyingPrice: otoken underlying price

  • _shortExpiryTimestamp: otoken expiry timestamp

  • _collateralDecimals: otoken collateral asset decimals

  • _isPut: otoken type

Return Values:

  • collateral required for a naked margin vault, in collateral asset decimals

Function getExpiredPayoutRate(address _otoken) → uint256 external

return the cash value of an expired oToken, denominated in collateral


  • _otoken: oToken address

Return Values:

  • how much collateral can be taken out by 1 otoken unit, scaled by 1e8,

or how much collateral can be taken out for 1 (1e8) oToken

Function isLiquidatable(struct MarginVault.Vault _vault, uint256 _vaultType, uint256 _vaultLatestUpdate, uint256 _roundId) → bool, uint256, uint256 external

check if a specific vault is undercollateralized at a specific chainlink round

if the vault is of type 0, the function will revert


  • _vault: vault struct

  • _vaultType: vault type (0 for max loss/spread and 1 for naked margin vault)

  • _vaultLatestUpdate: vault latest update (timestamp when latest vault state change happened)

  • _roundId: chainlink round id

Return Values:

  • true if vault is undercollateralized, liquidation price and collateral dust amount

Function getMarginRequired(struct MarginVault.Vault _vault, uint256 _vaultType) → struct FixedPointInt256.FixedPointInt, struct FixedPointInt256.FixedPointInt external

calculate required collateral margin for a vault


  • _vault: theoretical vault that needs to be checked

  • _vaultType: vault type

Return Values:

  • the vault collateral amount, and marginRequired the minimal amount of collateral needed in a vault, scaled to 1e27

Function getExcessCollateral(struct MarginVault.Vault _vault, uint256 _vaultType) → uint256, bool public

returns the amount of collateral that can be removed from an actual or a theoretical vault

return amount is denominated in the collateral asset for the oToken in the vault, or the collateral asset in the vault


  • _vault: theoretical vault that needs to be checked

  • _vaultType: vault type (0 for spread/max loss, 1 for naked margin)

Return Values:

  • excessCollateral the amount by which the margin is above or below the required amount

  • isExcess True if there is excess margin in the vault, False if there is a deficit of margin in the vault

if True, collateral can be taken out from the vault, if False, additional collateral needs to be added to vault

Function _getExpiredCashValue(address _underlying, address _strike, uint256 _expiryTimestamp, uint256 _strikePrice, bool _isPut) → struct FixedPointInt256.FixedPointInt internal

return the cash value of an expired oToken, denominated in strike asset

for a call, return Max (0, underlyingPriceInStrike - otoken.strikePrice)

for a put, return Max(0, otoken.strikePrice - underlyingPriceInStrike)


  • _underlying: otoken underlying asset

  • _strike: otoken strike asset

  • _expiryTimestamp: otoken expiry timestamp

  • _strikePrice: otoken strike price

  • _strikePrice: true if otoken is put otherwise false

Return Values:

  • cash value of an expired otoken, denominated in the strike asset

Function _getMarginRequired(struct MarginVault.Vault _vault, struct MarginCalculator.VaultDetails _vaultDetails) → struct FixedPointInt256.FixedPointInt, struct FixedPointInt256.FixedPointInt internal

calculate the amount of collateral needed for a vault

vault passed in has already passed the checkIsValidVault function


  • _vault: theoretical vault that needs to be checked

Return Values:

  • the vault collateral amount, and marginRequired the minimal amount of collateral needed in a vault,

scaled to 1e27

Function _getNakedMarginRequired(bytes32 _productHash, struct FixedPointInt256.FixedPointInt _shortAmount, struct FixedPointInt256.FixedPointInt _underlyingPrice, struct FixedPointInt256.FixedPointInt _strikePrice, uint256 _shortExpiryTimestamp, bool _isPut) → struct FixedPointInt256.FixedPointInt internal

get required collateral for naked margin position

if put:

a = min(strike price, spot shock * underlying price)

b = max(strike price - spot shock * underlying price, 0)

marginRequired = ( option upper bound value * a + b) * short amount

if call:

a = min(1, strike price / (underlying price / spot shock value))

b = max(1- (strike price / (underlying price / spot shock value)), 0)

marginRequired = (option upper bound value * a + b) * short amount


  • _productHash: product hash

  • _shortAmount: short amount in vault, in FixedPointInt type

  • _strikePrice: strike price of short otoken, in FixedPointInt type

  • _underlyingPrice: underlying price of short otoken underlying asset, in FixedPointInt type

  • _shortExpiryTimestamp: short otoken expiry timestamp

  • _isPut: otoken type, true if put option, false for call option

Return Values:

  • required margin for this naked vault, in FixedPointInt type (scaled by 1e27)

Function _findUpperBoundValue(bytes32 _productHash, uint256 _expiryTimestamp) → struct FixedPointInt256.FixedPointInt internal

find upper bound value for product by specific expiry timestamp

should return the upper bound value that correspond to option time to expiry, of if not found should return the next greater one, revert if no value found


  • _productHash: product hash

  • _expiryTimestamp: expiry timestamp

Return Values:

  • option upper bound value

Function _getPutSpreadMarginRequired(struct FixedPointInt256.FixedPointInt _shortAmount, struct FixedPointInt256.FixedPointInt _longAmount, struct FixedPointInt256.FixedPointInt _shortStrike, struct FixedPointInt256.FixedPointInt _longStrike) → struct FixedPointInt256.FixedPointInt internal

returns the strike asset amount of margin required for a put or put spread with the given short oTokens, long oTokens and amounts

marginRequired = max( (short amount * short strike) - (long strike * min (short amount, long amount)) , 0 )

Return Values:

  • margin requirement denominated in the strike asset

Function _getCallSpreadMarginRequired(struct FixedPointInt256.FixedPointInt _shortAmount, struct FixedPointInt256.FixedPointInt _longAmount, struct FixedPointInt256.FixedPointInt _shortStrike, struct FixedPointInt256.FixedPointInt _longStrike) → struct FixedPointInt256.FixedPointInt internal

returns the underlying asset amount required for a call or call spread with the given short oTokens, long oTokens, and amounts

(long strike - short strike) * short amount

marginRequired = max( ------------------------------------------------- , max (short amount - long amount, 0) )

long strike

if long strike = 0, return max( short amount - long amount, 0)

Return Values:

  • margin requirement denominated in the underlying asset

Function _convertAmountOnLivePrice(struct FixedPointInt256.FixedPointInt _amount, address _assetA, address _assetB) → struct FixedPointInt256.FixedPointInt internal

convert an amount in asset A to equivalent amount of asset B, based on a live price

function includes the amount and applies .mul() first to increase the accuracy


  • _amount: amount in asset A

  • _assetA: asset A

  • _assetB: asset B

Return Values:

  • _amount in asset B

Function _convertAmountOnExpiryPrice(struct FixedPointInt256.FixedPointInt _amount, address _assetA, address _assetB, uint256 _expiry) → struct FixedPointInt256.FixedPointInt internal

convert an amount in asset A to equivalent amount of asset B, based on an expiry price

function includes the amount and apply .mul() first to increase the accuracy


  • _amount: amount in asset A

  • _assetA: asset A

  • _assetB: asset B

Return Values:

  • _amount in asset B

Function _getDebtPrice(struct FixedPointInt256.FixedPointInt _vaultCollateral, struct FixedPointInt256.FixedPointInt _vaultDebt, struct FixedPointInt256.FixedPointInt _cashValue, struct FixedPointInt256.FixedPointInt _spotPrice, uint256 _auctionStartingTime, uint256 _collateralDecimals, bool _isPut) → uint256 internal

return debt price, how much collateral asset per 1 otoken repaid in collateral decimal

ending price = vault collateral / vault debt

if auction ended, return ending price

else calculate starting price

for put option:

starting price = max(cash value - underlying price * oracle deviation, 0)

for call option:

max(cash value - underlying price * oracle deviation, 0)

starting price = ---------------------------------------------------------------

underlying price

starting price + (ending price - starting price) * auction elapsed time

then price = --------------------------------------------------------------------------

auction time


  • _vaultCollateral: vault collateral amount

  • _vaultDebt: vault short amount

  • _cashValue: option cash value

  • _spotPrice: option underlying asset price (in USDC)

  • _auctionStartingTime: auction starting timestamp (_spotPrice timestamp from chainlink)

  • _collateralDecimals: collateral asset decimals

  • _isPut: otoken type, true for put, false for call option

Return Values:

  • price of 1 debt otoken in collateral asset scaled by collateral decimals

Function _getVaultDetails(struct MarginVault.Vault _vault, uint256 _vaultType) → struct MarginCalculator.VaultDetails internal

get vault details to save us from making multiple external calls


  • _vault: vault struct

  • _vaultType: vault type, 0 for max loss/spreads and 1 for naked margin vault

Return Values:

  • vault details in VaultDetails struct

Function _getExpiredSpreadCashValue(struct FixedPointInt256.FixedPointInt _shortAmount, struct FixedPointInt256.FixedPointInt _longAmount, struct FixedPointInt256.FixedPointInt _shortCashValue, struct FixedPointInt256.FixedPointInt _longCashValue) → struct FixedPointInt256.FixedPointInt internal

calculate the cash value obligation for an expired vault, where a positive number is an obligation

Formula: net = (short cash value * short amount) - ( long cash value * long Amount )

Return Values:

  • cash value obligation denominated in the strike asset

Function _isNotEmpty(address[] _assets) → bool internal

check if asset array contain a token address

Return Values:

  • True if the array is not empty

Function _checkIsValidVault(struct MarginVault.Vault _vault, struct MarginCalculator.VaultDetails _vaultDetails) internal

ensure that:

a) at most 1 asset type used as collateral

b) at most 1 series of option used as the long option

c) at most 1 series of option used as the short option

d) asset array lengths match for long, short and collateral

e) long option and collateral asset is acceptable for margin with short asset


  • _vault: the vault to check

  • _vaultDetails: vault details struct

Function _isMarginableLong(struct MarginVault.Vault _vault, struct MarginCalculator.VaultDetails _vaultDetails) → bool internal

if there is a short option and a long option in the vault, ensure that the long option is able to be used as collateral for the short option


  • _vault: the vault to check

  • _vaultDetails: vault details struct

Return Values:

  • true if long is marginable or false if not

Function _isMarginableCollateral(struct MarginVault.Vault _vault, struct MarginCalculator.VaultDetails _vaultDetails) → bool internal

if there is short option and collateral asset in the vault, ensure that the collateral asset is valid for the short option


  • _vault: the vault to check

  • _vaultDetails: vault details struct

Return Values:

  • true if marginable or false

Function _getProductHash(address _underlying, address _strike, address _collateral, bool _isPut) → bytes32 internal

get a product hash


  • _underlying: option underlying asset

  • _strike: option strike asset

  • _collateral: option collateral asset

  • _isPut: option type

Return Values:

  • product hash

Function _getCashValue(struct FixedPointInt256.FixedPointInt _strikePrice, struct FixedPointInt256.FixedPointInt _underlyingPrice, bool _isPut) → struct FixedPointInt256.FixedPointInt internal

get option cash value

this assume that the underlying price is denominated in strike asset

cash value = max(underlying price - strike price, 0)


  • _strikePrice: option strike price

  • _underlyingPrice: option underlying price

  • _isPut: option type, true for put and false for call option

Function _getOtokenDetails(address _otoken) → address, address, address, uint256, uint256, bool internal

get otoken detail, from both otoken versions

Event CollateralDustUpdated(address collateral, uint256 dust)

emits an event when collateral dust is updated

Event TimeToExpiryAdded(bytes32 productHash, uint256 timeToExpiry)

emits an event when new time to expiry is added for a specific product

Event MaxPriceAdded(bytes32 productHash, uint256 timeToExpiry, uint256 value)

emits an event when new upper bound value is added for a specific time to expiry timestamp

Event MaxPriceUpdated(bytes32 productHash, uint256 timeToExpiry, uint256 oldValue, uint256 newValue)

emits an event when updating upper bound value at specific expiry timestamp

Event SpotShockUpdated(bytes32 product, uint256 spotShock)

emits an event when spot shock value is updated for a specific product

Event OracleDeviationUpdated(uint256 oracleDeviation)

emits an event when oracle deviation value is updated