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The Oracle module sets, retrieves, and stores USD prices (USD per asset) for underlying, collateral, and strike assets

manages pricers that are used for different assets


  • migrateOracle(address _asset, uint256[] _expiries, uint256[] _prices) (external)

  • endMigration() (external)

  • setAssetPricer(address _asset, address _pricer) (external)

  • setLockingPeriod(address _pricer, uint256 _lockingPeriod) (external)

  • setDisputePeriod(address _pricer, uint256 _disputePeriod) (external)

  • setDisputer(address _disputer) (external)

  • setStablePrice(address _asset, uint256 _price) (external)

  • disputeExpiryPrice(address _asset, uint256 _expiryTimestamp, uint256 _price) (external)

  • setExpiryPrice(address _asset, uint256 _expiryTimestamp, uint256 _price) (external)

  • getPrice(address _asset) (external)

  • getExpiryPrice(address _asset, uint256 _expiryTimestamp) (external)

  • getPricer(address _asset) (external)

  • getDisputer() (external)

  • getPricerLockingPeriod(address _pricer) (external)

  • getPricerDisputePeriod(address _pricer) (external)

  • getChainlinkRoundData(address _asset, uint80 _roundId) (external)

  • isLockingPeriodOver(address _asset, uint256 _expiryTimestamp) (public)

  • isDisputePeriodOver(address _asset, uint256 _expiryTimestamp) (public)


  • DisputerUpdated(address newDisputer)

  • PricerUpdated(address asset, address pricer)

  • PricerLockingPeriodUpdated(address pricer, uint256 lockingPeriod)

  • PricerDisputePeriodUpdated(address pricer, uint256 disputePeriod)

  • ExpiryPriceUpdated(address asset, uint256 expiryTimestamp, uint256 price, uint256 onchainTimestamp)

  • ExpiryPriceDisputed(address asset, uint256 expiryTimestamp, uint256 disputedPrice, uint256 newPrice, uint256 disputeTimestamp)

  • StablePriceUpdated(address asset, uint256 price)

Function migrateOracle(address _asset, uint256[] _expiries, uint256[] _prices) external

function to mgirate asset prices from old oracle to new deployed oracle

this can only be called by owner, should be used at the deployment time before setting Oracle module into AddressBook


  • _asset: asset address

  • _expiries: array of expiries timestamps

  • _prices: array of prices

Function endMigration() external

end migration process

can only be called by owner, should be called before setting Oracle module into AddressBook

Function setAssetPricer(address _asset, address _pricer) external

sets the pricer for an asset

can only be called by the owner


  • _asset: asset address

  • _pricer: pricer address

Function setLockingPeriod(address _pricer, uint256 _lockingPeriod) external

sets the locking period for a pricer

can only be called by the owner


  • _pricer: pricer address

  • _lockingPeriod: locking period

Function setDisputePeriod(address _pricer, uint256 _disputePeriod) external

sets the dispute period for a pricer

can only be called by the owner

for a composite pricer (ie CompoundPricer) that depends on or calls other pricers, ensure

that the dispute period for the composite pricer is longer than the dispute period for the

asset pricer that it calls to ensure safe usage as a dispute in the other pricer will cause

the need for a dispute with the composite pricer's price


  • _pricer: pricer address

  • _disputePeriod: dispute period

Function setDisputer(address _disputer) external

set the disputer address

can only be called by the owner


  • _disputer: disputer address

Function setStablePrice(address _asset, uint256 _price) external

set stable asset price

price should be scaled by 1e8


  • _asset: asset address

  • _price: price

Function disputeExpiryPrice(address _asset, uint256 _expiryTimestamp, uint256 _price) external

dispute an asset price during the dispute period

only the disputer can dispute a price during the dispute period, by setting a new one


  • _asset: asset address

  • _expiryTimestamp: expiry timestamp

  • _price: the correct price

Function setExpiryPrice(address _asset, uint256 _expiryTimestamp, uint256 _price) external

submits the expiry price to the oracle, can only be set from the pricer

asset price can only be set after the locking period is over and before the dispute period has started


  • _asset: asset address

  • _expiryTimestamp: expiry timestamp

  • _price: asset price at expiry

Function getPrice(address _asset) → uint256 external

get a live asset price from the asset's pricer contract


  • _asset: asset address

Return Values:

  • price scaled by 1e8, denominated in USD

e.g. 17568900000 => 175.689 USD

Function getExpiryPrice(address _asset, uint256 _expiryTimestamp) → uint256, bool external

get the asset price at specific expiry timestamp


  • _asset: asset address

  • _expiryTimestamp: expiry timestamp

Return Values:

  • price scaled by 1e8, denominated in USD

  • isFinalized True, if the price is finalized, False if not

Function getPricer(address _asset) → address external

get the pricer for an asset


  • _asset: asset address

Return Values:

  • pricer address

Function getDisputer() → address external

get the disputer address

Return Values:

  • disputer address

Function getPricerLockingPeriod(address _pricer) → uint256 external

get a pricer's locking period

locking period is the period of time after the expiry timestamp where a price can not be pushed

during the locking period an expiry price can not be submitted to this contract


  • _pricer: pricer address

Return Values:

  • locking period

Function getPricerDisputePeriod(address _pricer) → uint256 external

get a pricer's dispute period

dispute period is the period of time after an expiry price has been pushed where a price can be disputed

during the dispute period, the disputer can dispute the submitted price and modify it


  • _pricer: pricer address

Return Values:

  • dispute period

Function getChainlinkRoundData(address _asset, uint80 _roundId) → uint256, uint256 external

get historical asset price and timestamp

if asset is a stable asset, will return stored price and timestamp equal to now


  • _asset: asset address to get it's historical price

  • _roundId: chainlink round id

Return Values:

  • price and round timestamp

Function isLockingPeriodOver(address _asset, uint256 _expiryTimestamp) → bool public

check if the locking period is over for setting the asset price at a particular expiry timestamp


  • _asset: asset address

  • _expiryTimestamp: expiry timestamp

Return Values:

  • True if locking period is over, False if not

Function isDisputePeriodOver(address _asset, uint256 _expiryTimestamp) → bool public

check if the dispute period is over


  • _asset: asset address

  • _expiryTimestamp: expiry timestamp

Return Values:

  • True if dispute period is over, False if not

Event DisputerUpdated(address newDisputer)

emits an event when the disputer is updated

Event PricerUpdated(address asset, address pricer)

emits an event when the pricer is updated for an asset

Event PricerLockingPeriodUpdated(address pricer, uint256 lockingPeriod)

emits an event when the locking period is updated for a pricer

Event PricerDisputePeriodUpdated(address pricer, uint256 disputePeriod)

emits an event when the dispute period is updated for a pricer

Event ExpiryPriceUpdated(address asset, uint256 expiryTimestamp, uint256 price, uint256 onchainTimestamp)

emits an event when an expiry price is updated for a specific asset

Event ExpiryPriceDisputed(address asset, uint256 expiryTimestamp, uint256 disputedPrice, uint256 newPrice, uint256 disputeTimestamp)

emits an event when the disputer disputes a price during the dispute period

Event StablePriceUpdated(address asset, uint256 price)

emits an event when a stable asset price changes