Print Only Odd Numbers from the List
Print All Courses individually
List<String> courses = List.of("Spring", "Spring Boot", "API" , "Microservices", "AWS", "PCF","Azure", "Docker", "Kubernetes")
Print Courses Containing the word "Spring"
Print Courses Whose Name has atleast 4 letters
Print the cubes of odd numbers
Print the number of characters in each course name
Square every number in a list and find the sum of squares
Cube every number in a list and find the sum of cubes
Find Sum of Odd Numbers in a list
Create a List with Even Numbers Filtered from the Numbers List
Create a List with lengths of all course titles.
Find Functional Interface behind the second argument of reduce method. Create an implementation for the Functional Interface.
int sum = .reduce(0, Integer::sum);
Do Behavior Parameterization for the mapping logic.
List squaredNumbers = .map(x -> x*x) .collect(Collectors.toList());