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Nicolas Saint Nicolassaint
Data Scientist - AI 🚀

Ministère de l'Économie et des Finances Paris

Constantin Vaillant Tenzer cvt8
Master 2 MVA. ENS Ulm in Mathematics and Computer sciences Prépa maths and physics BS and MS in mathematics MS in Cognitive sciences

Ecole Normale Supérieure -PSL Paris - New York City

Nourredine nourredine1981

Nourredine Healthcare Brienne Le Chateau Brienne le Chateau

Bastien bzg
Free software officer for the French public administration.

@codegouvfr Paris

Sacha sduperret

Université de Bordeaux France

Amaury abauzac
Front-end, Backend, opendata... ;) Nice, France

Godefroy du Chalard goddyduch
Hi, I'm Godefroy du Chalard

École polytechnique Paris

Mathilde Da Cruz madacruz
Data Scientist (PSL University) Now working at French Ministry of Education.


Thomas Basset tbasset

LOXDA Paris, France

Mario Restuccia restuccia
digital rights, (open) data, policy, politics
