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Mae Brooks MaeBrooks
I like web, linux, and tinkering with tech.

@7Factor Portland, OR

Allen Brooks allenbrooks55

Encoura Greenville, SC

Mrs_N Worksmart377
I am a newly graduated Software Engineer who loves to learn new tech stacks. I am open to fulltime and freelance opportunites.
Squeebo Hero-Development
We do very important things here! sometimes

Hero Development, Inc

Jim North jimi-cloud
I am a professional software engineer that lives my life learning new tech, but still fully embraces the fundamentals of computer science and academia. I enjoy
Jim N jimnorth1982
Golang, JavaScript, Java, Geek

Freelancer South Carolina

Zachary Jones zajonesck

BetterTogether Austin Texas

Eric Mauldin emauldin84

7Factor Atlanta, GA

Zac Brechbill zacbre
PSE, MCSD // Rust, C#, C, C++, Go


Shane Ardell shaneardell

New Story Silverthorne, CO

Leon Wu l3onwu
Software Engineer @ Macquarie


Goutham Deva godeva
Blockchain Engineer at Fidelity Labs | CS WPI ‘19 and MBA Quantic '23

Fidelity Investments Boston, MA