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SoursopID SoursopID
“Love is the bridge between you and everything.” — Jalaluddin Rumi


Leandro Henrique DevHMedeiros
Café e Tecnologia correndo nas veias!


Mehedi Hasan Shojib 5hojib
In learning stage!


Ezequiel Farias ezequiell-farias
"O complexo não passa de um amontoado de coisas fáceis mal interpretadas."
𝖆ͭ𝖕ͪ𝖊ͤ67 ape67
...just a little u$er ! 󠀡󠀡 󠀡󠀡 󠀡󠀡 set αddιcт "1"

prepare4primates 󠀡󠀡󠀡󠀡

Alexandre Dulaunoy adulau
Enjoy when human are using machines in unexpected ways. I break stuff and I do stuff.

@MISP @CIRCL @cve-search and many others Europe

Vaibhav Malaviya vaimalaviya1233
Backup & Android enthusiast.


Fabricio Biazzotto biazzotto
Libertário • Programador • Hacker

@garoa @grupy-sp @code-for-sao-paulo Brazil

Rian S. riansouzasantos
I'm just a person who does what manufacturers don't do.

@AmanoTeam Brazil

Jeffrey H. Johnson johnsonjh
Not RPM developer Jeffrey Johnson. Not XTree developer Jeffrey Johnson. Not Jeffrey Johnson, Google Senior Software Engineer. Not the robotic engineer, either.

BAN AI Systems

Caio Thiago eucaiogomes
Estudante de Ciências da Computação 19 anos brasileiro
Pão paodelonga
i like computers, programming & lower_case. reach me anywhere at handle @paodelonga. pull-stack developer (pull everything from the internet)

São Luís, Brasil

Aldy Adam aldyadam
My Bio

My Company My Location

essa. Sunda001
my hobby is playing chess :)
xtechnology XTechnology-TR

X Technology İstanbul

Lucas Alberto lucasalberto01
My name is Lucas, I'm fascinated by robotics and all things around it

Foundation Labs Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Andriel Ferreira AndrielFR
someone who loves programming and does it as a hobby.

Sergipe, Brazil

Hitalo M. HitaloM
A Cruel Angel's Thesis

@AndroidRepo-OSS Brazil

Felipe Rodrigues Silva felipefrsilva


Eduardo Fonseca edubr029
Brazilian 22y • Student.

@AmanoTeam Brazil

Bird fancier
Fellipe Vieira epillefdev
Front-End Developer | UX/UI Designer
Alisson L. alissonlauffer
Mainly Python and web dev, always trying to learn new things.

@AmanoTeam Três Coroas, RS