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Federico Duca federicoduca
Coding enthusiast


Fábio Radicchi Belotto frbelotto
python enthusiast for personal and profissinal use. Always happy to learn and discuss!

Sâo Paulo

Rafał Karoń rafalkaron
A technical writer, scrum master, and Python enthusiast.


Filip Vukoja AkaBlur
»»» Gathering Bits «««
Maksym Mykytyn myrkytyn
Hi! I am a DevOps engineer

VITech Ivano-Frankivsk

Ron Eros Mandić ron-mandic
Student at the Hochschule für Gestaltung Schwäbisch Gmünd

South Germany


Iran, Guilan, Rasht

ravindra reddy ravindrakanapuram
FullStack Python developer at Bloom & Grow

Bloom & Grow Group india

rahul s git-rahul15
beginner developer...


Hooshmand hooshmand
DevOps Engineer | Security Analyst

scriptics Canada

Martin Kleinberger kleinbem
With 20+ years in Information Technology, I specialise in all facets of System Integration for multinational companies


Jon Batista batistajon
Senior Software Engineer

CI&T Rio de Janeiro, RJ

DunHouGo DunHouGo
3D Artist and self-taught plugin developer


Jay Rodriguez Jairo1031
As an analytical and technology-driven individual, I am excited to announce my transition into software engineering.

United States

Rahul Jana RahulJana

iHub - AWaDH @ IIT Ropar Chandigarh, India

Gunnar Venaas gvenaas
SQL Server Python Powershell C#

Arendal, Norway

Fem Alonge nifemi-alonge

National Grid London

Ray Chiang Raykang35
UC Davis 2nd year PhD student in materials science and engineering. Working on electrical properties of materials, INS spectra simulation.

Davis, CA

Andrew Neher amneher
I'm a full-stack developer with a passion for learning.

Chicago, IL

Rupam Golui Itz-Agasta
Like I Always Say, Can't Find a Door? Make Your Own.
Software Developer


Juan Camilo Martinez Lopez JuanCamiloMartinezLopez

Universidad Distrital Francisco José De Caldas Cra. 7 #40b-53, Bogotá

Ankit Kumar ankikumar1018
Senior Consultant at StatusNeo

StatusNeo Gurugram, Haryana

Joost Döbken JWDobken
slow, buggy and soon redundant

döb Zaltbommel