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Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Kingi Gilbert fullakingi
Tinkerer and builder, patching together bits and pieces.

Ignite Studios Ltd Hawaii & New Zealand

Mark A Garcia bitsmithrick

Bitsmith Solutions LLC Orange County, CA

Lennox laGameTV
Hi 👋

@MCLunia @pixldev-de Germany

Consider buying me a coffee/tipping through my Ko-Fi link if you find my work useful. :)

Columbus, Ohio

Brett Belau brettbelau

B2 Web Studios Appleton, Wisconsin

Eduardo Flores fronzec
SWE. Proficient with Java & Go, learning Rust. Interested in AI, terminal and desktop apps

Mexico City


Medellin, Colombia

Flaymeyawn Flaymeyawn
I'm just a new old nerd
DK syphrpunk
Blockchain Ops, Legal, Strategy, Philosophy, Meta-Economics, Org Structures, Governance Paradigms

@premian-labs, @poweredbyanons, @premia-frontend, @premia-gov .hack//MetaVerse

Davi Oliveira oPaozinh0
Um cara descontraido que busca sempre melhorar. バグ開発者

Amplimed Chapecó, SC, Brazil

Nico nicolaeser
Loving Crypto, Trading, Development, Hacking, Darknet and Energy Drinks. - Hating Coffee instead

Nico Laeser (Einzelunternehmen) Germany