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Double Leaves/双叶 syhy0612
Without AI machines, I’ll become a machine. 没有AI机器,我将变成机器。


Leonel Sanches da Silva leonelsanchesdasilva
Software Engineer and Solutions Architect, Programming Languages creator: Delégua, LMHT, FolEs, LinConEs. Serialization libraries maintainer (xslt-processor).

@DesignLiquido California, USA

JunYu junyu0130


Gabriel Labes gameking360
Jovem interessado em aprender mais e trabalhar na área de desenvolvimento
Anthony Ronda anthonyronda
Virtual tabletop coding, virtual tabletop publishing, open source and game licensing. discord: corporat

@vttred NYC or Krakow

Tomi Toivio TomiToivio
Data Steward at Helsinki University.

Helsinki University Finland

Justin Bassett-Green jtbg
where we're going, we don't need tests 🚢 alum @producthunt, @reddit

@producthunt Chicago

Vagner Silva vagnerwolf

Quality São Paulo - Brasil

Jens T. Hinrichs DIY4E1
[...] is intended to encode criticism with SMOL and unify communication with MathDIY and gaming experiences with QuantumGrid. The rest is LEFT4E1.


Ember Borja emberborja
Full Stack Web Developer currently working in React, Angular, C#.Net, and more.

@bootcamp-s18 Lexington, KY

spirit-of-rabbit MoonRabbitStudio
Rabbit themed game developer. Virtual rabbit reality architect. Digital bunny production studio.

MoonRabbitStudio California

Chris Iapetus chris-iapetus

dvcsrv St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada

Michael Orr Orrmj
Project Manager, Transportation Systems - Rail and Transit Canada

WSP Canada Inc. Toronto, CA

writing shit code is a skill I am trying to develop. What has helped me so far was to write incomplete systems, share it with other people and see what happens.

SkyStar Studio YeShan Planet Earth