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Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Jesus Angel Hernandez de Rojas jhderojasUVa
Tech Lead - Front End @CloudBoltSoftware

Cloudbolt Software London

William Martín Chávez González willy23martin
Specialist in Software Engineering, and Telematics Engineer.
Mayank Goyal imtrinity94
Automation Enthusiast | Blogger | Father 👶👶

@wipro Noida, India

Abhilash Reddy areddy1991

Cloudbolt Software India

Ella Blackledge ellablac

WWT St. Louis, MO area

Jerry Swann xcalicom
Tech wizard by day, maker by night. I tinker with circuits and code. If it beeps, blinks, or buzzes, I’m probably trying to make it do something cooler
Sam Richards smallsam
Hybrid Cloud architect, mostly writing python these days

talktosam Brisbane, Australia