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André AndreKest
Bachelor's degree: Electrical engineering and information technology Master's degree: Artificial Intelligence Currently working as AI research assistant
Personal account mainly for light testing and individual projects.
Dan DanPlayz0
When in doubt, google your way out.

@JAPIRest @Attendant-gg

Ꭿkhil akhi1-s
Sculpting intelligence into every machine.
Callie Archivist-Ember
Your typical git user... Trans, Academic with a distaste for AI and the Internet of things....

Look up... no further, wait too far! Okay, there, see that spot? Thats nowhere near me

Ian Nebbiolo mrnebbi
Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so.

Ian Nebbiolo Limited United Kingdom

Ney Torres Neyt
Personal mission: "To democratize opportunities" A Serial Entrepreneur San Jose, CA

Fred Schechter Freds4hb
Worst. Jedi. Ever.

DS4 Design

Bjarke Villadsen BjarkeKvik

Kvik A/S Aarhus, Denmark