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Douglas Bachman brstream

CBZ Village des Pruniers 24240 Thénac, France

MvdO79 MvdO79
Web Developer - BSc Psychology

Webburo Spring Gouda

Roger Erik Tinch rogertinch
Designer & coder.

Austin, TX

Donna dkevey
CMS Developer transforming the way @unimelb interact with Squiz Matrix CMS


Noor noor8380
Improvising and enduring over time.


Craig Clement CraigClem
Junior Developer - Craft CMS, Twig, JS, React, sass, tailwind


David Lapointe Gilbert davidwebca
I'm a web developer with an accidental background in design and branding. / Développeur web avec un parcours accidentel en design et image de marque.

guimauve-creative Quebec city

Dan The-Dan-Main
Junior Front End Developer

Zurich, Switzerland

Boris Klotz borisklotz

d-SIRE GmbH Cologne

Lindemann bhlindemann

LindemannRock Dubai

Alberto Leon aleontbi
Web developer 🇲🇽

The Brand Industry México

André Nguyen nguyenandre
Hello, my name is André. I am a web developer, interior designer, and aviator.

@ackstudio @andwoodworks @hellofoodie Hong Kong

Nate Bate NateAtB4

b4worldview South Bend, IN