Erik Nickel
er/ihm (he/him) |
Deutsch, English |
Master of Cognitive Science 2. Semester |
Institute für Kognitionswissenschaft |
Universität Osnabrück
Sujas Bhardwaj, PhD
Data Science in Neuroimaging, Machine Learning, Functional Neuroimaging
Centre for Brain Research, Indian Institute of Sience (IISc), Bengaluru Bengaluru, India
Christophe Phillips
FRS-FNRS Research Director @ GIGA Institute
Professor @ Dept of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
ULiege, Belgium
GIGA Institure, University of Liège, Belgium Liège, Belgium
Nicholas John Simos
Doctoral student in network/computational neuroscience.
Physiology of Cognition Lab & Sleep and Chronobiology Lab
GIGA-CRC In Vivo Imaging Research Unit Liège, Belgium
Ehsan Eqlimi
Postdoc at Ghent University | PhD in Biomedical Engineering
Department of Data Analysis, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium Belgium
Marc-Antoine Fortin
PhD Candidate at the Norwegian University of Science & Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim.
Currently working on quantitative MRI of the cerebellum at 7T.