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Lukas Kretschmar LukeTech2006
True = !False It's funny, 'cause it's true.

K&W Informatik GmbH Germany/Deutschland

Empress Anna Purple-Fox-Coder
Hello! I am Anna Robinson, I am a C/Zig programmer!


Tobias Lenhardt Hammer1279
Software Developer@URZ Leipzig  Lead Developer and Creator of @hammertechnik         Founder of @Drillkea and @SWProBuilders

Universität Leipzig/Leipzig University, URZ Leipzig, Germany

Lennard Wolf MultifokalHirn
Software Engineer & Consultant from Berlin

amiconsult Berlin

Darwin Zmugg 666hwll
Bulme Schüler und Bastler aus Passion

8020 Graz, Austria

Mat Krieger-m
aspiring software developer.


ItsNik Its4Nik
I use arch btw

@hetzneronline Nuremberg

Max Ole Elliger motrellin
Studying Computer Science and Mathematics for Education at FAU, focussing towards theoretical computer science and formalizing stuff with Coq.


Johannes Mols johannesmols
Developer at Coach Solutions. MSc of Computer Science and Engineering from DTU in Copenhagen, Denmark

Coach Solutions Copenhagen, Denmark

Franz Müller Franz-Mueller
Apprenticeship as Application Developer at YAVEON

Yaveon Würzburg

Hello, call me Lxn if you like, I drink water (you should too!) \\ Learning progress: Slow \\ Procrastination: Sure, why not! \\ Unorganised: Very

working for my unconsistent motivation Germany

Fabian s-fabian

@CyberForgeSolutions Germany

Lars Bergmann gandie
Started to work @perfact in 2014, writing mostly Web-Applications using Python since then.

@perfact Germany

VizzesStudios VizzesStudios


leon lnknf
Currently studying Systems Engineering (M. Eng.)

Softwaredeveloper (Automation/PLC) Germany

tomo tomo2403
I identify as transparent.


David Porcher David54236
IT systems engineer, student and hobby developer. I make websites, cloud/web apps, task automation and all things PowerShell


Maximilian maximizzar
Sometimes I sleep. Trust me!

@hs-fulda ::1 (Germany)

Arthur25 Arthur2500
20 y/o Computer Science Student & Software Dev from Germany

@HTWG Konstanz Constance, Germany

Leon Gies NotLe0n
Self-taught hobby programmer and Terraria modder


Jan V JanVInformatik

Bavaria, Germany

Elvyra EepyElvyra

Freiburg im Breisgau, Baden-Württemberg, Germany