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Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Edgar Nyandoro Major2000

@janja-lab, @BLACK-BUG-HKRS, @iratiba, @atomatiki, @MBSD-TANZANIA Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

JoeMw joe-mw
Just a being staring into the face of the visual interface of a stone tricked into thinking.

Hobbyist Kenya

zero well wellzero
Hello quantitative finance, it's a interesting guy.
Ajmal KV ajmalmiyan
I code and design things!

At-Scene, LLC Calicut, India

exness rebate zhao-y-f
rebate up to 40% spreads,and ICMarkets,XM,TickMill,TMGM,Pepperstone rebate 100% com


I'm a young developer, mainly focusing on data fabrication and applied data sciences. I like to write large complex codes and enjoy the debug sessions.
Waltrick solomonerous
A very cliché psychist in software development security


Purwadi PurwadiPw

Bandung, Indonesia

gmako6 gmako6
Website Developer | Creative Director | Crypto Expert | Brand Creator | Solidity Developer @gmako6