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Jay Hesselberth jayhesselberth
RNA damage and repair. RNA tech dev. RNA therapies.

University of Colorado School of Medicine Denver, CO

David Iglesias Sánchez pelusanchez
Full Stack Developer at @Predictia . Physics / MSc Biomedical Engineering.

Predictia Intelligent Data Solutions SL Cantabria, Spain

Kaixian Liu kliu39
I am a biophysicist who is interested in protein folding, protein-DNA interactions and meiosis.

Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center New York City

Konstantinos Giatras GiatrasKon

BSRC Alexander Fleming Athens, Greece

Lazo B. Ali lazobax
Bioinformatician interested in systems biology. The content of the repos here are for personal use only.

Lebanese American University Beirut, Lebanon

Roberto Alejandro Calzadilla racalzadilla
Physical biologist. I'm in the business of counting things.

Puerto Rico Department of Health Puerto Rico

Eduardo Navarrete Bencomo EduardoNavarreteB
Biotechnological Engineer | @freyrelab Intern

UPIBI IPN | CCG UNAM Cuernavaca, Morelos

JiaoYuan imjiaoyuan

Chengdu University of Technology

James Lingford jlingford
Curious about protein structure and function

Melbourne, Australia

Huanan Herman Zhao hermanzhaozzzz
I love to tinker with fun gadgets! 🐍 I prefer SynthWave'84 in VS Code! 🐼 | 赵华男 | Scholar | Analyst | Coder | Gamer | Guitarist |

Tsinghua University Beijing, China

Agata M. Kilar amkilar
Postdoc at Harvard University

Harvard University Cambridge

Jinwen Kong JinwnK

Sun Yat-sen University GuangZhou

Curro Campuzano currocam
Bioinformatics student

Aarhus, Denmark

Suresh Kumar M suresh2014
Bacterial pathogens, Genomics, One Health and Epidemiology

University of Hyderabad, India India

Renato Augusto Corrêa dos Santos SantosRAC
Ph.D. in Genetics and Molecular Biology | Bioinformatician. Post-doc researcher in Brazil (LabBCES, CENA, USP).

Universidade de São Paulo Piracicaba, SP (Brazil)

Marcin Magnus mmagnus
Computational structural RNA biologist at Harvard, USA

Harvard, USA Cambridge, MA

Think twice, code once.
Biocanter Biocanter
Structural and Computational RNA Scientist
Kenneth Acosta kenscripts

Rutgers University New Jersey, USA

Costas Bouyioukos cbouyio
Assist. Prof. of Computational and Systems Biology at Université Paris Cité Member of the IsPP team of the BFA 8251 Unit Admin of @parisepigenetics

Universite Paris CIte and BFA CNRS UMR 8251 - ERL INSERM U1133 Paris, France