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Kube Kubow kubow
Eager encyclopedist exploring environment expecting every existence elevated. I like scripting, automating and fiddling around custom made systems.

GoodData Prague, Czech Republic

Frederik Duvač RikoAppDev
Currently studing at Faculty of Informatics and Information Technologies at Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava

FIIT STU Bratislava, Slovakia

Computer Science student at the University of Thessaly with a passion for technology and innovation.

UTH Larisa, Greece

Adam Vrabeľ xvrabela1
school profile @AdamVrabel

FIIT STU Slovakia


FIIT STU Bratislava

Patrik Fejda patrikfejda

Python dev @26HOUSE Bratislava

Matus Bojko bmathus
CS student at FIIT STU

FIIT STU Bratislava, Slovakia