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DanMaker DanMaker01
"Ars longa, vita brevis" c#, c, js, python


Edward Guerrero lucas-dunn
Full-stack developer | Game developer | AI & Blockchain enthusiast | Reverse Engineer | Mobile app creator | Passionate about innovative tech solutions
Niko Nikk0o
computer science - USP

University of São Paulo São Carlos, São Paulo, Brasil

well.james sgf
focus🎯C# I don't have enough time&money in open source. I need keep full-time job. HOPE=10k$/m,NOW=3k$/m

Miguel Saffioti migzs123
Sistemas de Informação - USP

Campinas - SP

Guilherme Bisse GuilhermeBisse
I'm a 18 years old student very excited about technologies and knowledge!

Campinas, Brasil

Isaac 'Hakzai' Alencar Hakzai
Java Software Developer at Amdocs Enterprise.

Amdocs Brazil

Flavio Ippolito Vasini Vasini25
Student of Information Systems in University at São Paulo.

USP São Paulo - Brasil

Eduarda Tuboy Nardin EduardaTuboy
🎓 Computer science student at University of São Paulo (USP), Brazil :)
Murilo Viana murilocarrijosilva
Student at University of São Paulo
Full-stack developer and freelance wizard

Benin republic

KSalmaze KSalmaze

University of São Paulo São Carlos - Brazil

Pedro Liduino pliduino
Autistic gamedev wannabe

São Carlos, SP

Weslley Charles Lima da Cruz Junior WeslleyCharles
I'm a student willing to learn more about coding.

São Carlos, SP - Brazil

Gabriel D'Nillo NilloGabriel
Computer Science Student | Technology Enthusiast | Living and learning

Universidade Católica de Brasília Brasília - DF

writing shit code is a skill I am trying to develop. What has helped me so far was to write incomplete systems, share it with other people and see what happens.

SkyStar Studio YeShan Planet Earth

Lucas Mihara lucasmihara
Computer Science student at ICMC-USP

University of São Paulo São Carlos, SP

Marcelo Temoteo mtc-blueberry
CS Master's student. Major interests atm are Machine Learning, Data Science, GameDev&Design. Curious about CG, Image Processing, Optimization and other stuff.


Alexandre AleLocci

IME/USP - graduate student Coimbra - Portugal

Jony Jonyzim
Estudante de Ciências da Computação - USP. Software Developer e professor de programação.
Pablo Oliveira pabloolvr
Game Developer. Unity | Unreal | C# | C++


Bruna Garcia GarciaBoo
Frontend Development | Bachelor's Degree in Information Systems Student

São Paulo