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Caaza Worldwide



Lia E. echoEscape
This profile is of private origin and is not connected to my employer.


Mohamed Taoufik TEKAYA MohamedTaoufik
Software engineer who is passionate by digital arts, "2d-3d" animation process and audio-visual special effects "VFX" for the media and video game industries.

StartUp-SME: Horizons Software Solutions Tunisia-Sousse

Gérard jourdain ger1964jou
Uashat Québec

Sven Freiberg BlurryRoots

blurryroots innovation qanat OÜ Known Universe

Jean Pütz JeanPtz
Just a Junior Software Developer
AHMED ELSAYED @csgaee csgaee
Malware Research | Reverse Engineering | Threat Intelligence


Jan Jansen farodin91

@gdatasoftwareag @janusgraph Germany

Muhammad Ridhwan Habib Abdillah ridhwanhabib18
Mahasiswa Teknik Elektro | Machine Learning | Microcontroler | Automation | Internet of Things | Artificial Intelegence | Robotic

Banjar, Jawa Barat

Marius Benthin marius-benthin
Detection Engineer at Nextron Systems

@NextronSystems Germany

"The Future is now" "A persistência é o caminho do êxito."

Mahmoud Soheem msoheem
Digital Forensics Engineer at EG-FinCIRT Central Bank of Egypt


Spiro sfotiadis
Platform Engineer at G DATA CyberDefense AG

@GDATASoftwareAG Bochum, Germany

Peter prskr

RWE Renewables Germany

Lennart Dohmann lennartdohmann

@GDATASoftwareAG Germany