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Mohamed Amine MIMOUNI MedAmine-47
PhD student

Mohammed V University Rabat, Morocco

Ernst Bablick ernst-bablick
Software engineer, expert in programming distributed applications such as workload management systems (Open Cluster Scheduler former Univa Grid Engine)

HPC-Gridware Germany

Calculation and Modeling of Physical Properties of Solid Materials. Materials and subatomic physics laboratory

IBN TOFAIL university Kenitra

Abdallah EL Abdallah-EL

Institut Supérieur des Sciences de la Santé | Université Hassan I

Muhammed Machrouh medmac01
Dating Tensorflow 🌹

AIniacs Casablanca, Morocco

Mohamed Aymane Farhi MedAymenF
Machine Learning Engineer.


PhD student, Exoplaneteer Cadi Ayyad University

Marrakesh, Morocco

AbdelmoujoudFaris AbdelmoujoudFaris
I am a doctoral student at Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University, Faculty of Science, Dahr El Mahraz in Fez, Morocco. My research is primarily centered around th