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Mauro Cendon Hidalgo mcendon
Developer from Buenos Aires, Argentina Based in Madrid, Spain


Huỳnh Hồng Vỹ vixyninja
Mobile addict on a never-ending journey of discovery.

Việt Nam

malek itani malek-itani
FullStack Web Developer Consultant. Angular | React | NodeJS | Express | NestJS | SQL | Firebase | SCSS

ex Sword Group Beirut, Lebanon

Sohail Ansari sohail-ansari02
I am a frontend web developer. passionate about learning and working in web technologies.

Pune, Maharashtra, India

PAKOU_Juste Juste120
Etudiant en informatique
Keidson Roby keidsondesigner

Brasil - Amazonas/Manaus

David Bimamisa shaka-b
Developer with interests in User Interfaces and Interactive Tabletops. TUIOFX developer

@emundo Munich, Germany

Dmitry Dreko davayd
I'm Frontend Developer with passion for Angular.


tamvan@T4 Tamilselvan3457
technogent follow unbreakable and unstoppable path(=) until retirement.
Prithviraju Prithviraju05
UI Developer

IBM Bangalore

Fayas Ismail simfyz
I build some awesome things in web and mobile technologies using Angular, .NET, C#, TypeScript, JavaScript, Flutter, Android.
