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Annisa Puspa Kirana apkirana
Information Technology Lecturer | GIS Specialist, Microsoft Certified Educator | This is a repository that I have created to showcase skills, share projects and


Ali Özbakır aozbakir
My research interests are focused on ephemeral plate boundaries, their evolution, and surface/geological manifestations.

Temblor Inc

Florian Dobener domna
Programmer, physicist, advocate for open source software & data, and connoisseur of git

@DeutscherWetterdienst Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Bene Aschenneller 3enedix
PhD student in Twente
Amin Shakya mn5hk

ITC, Department of Water Resources, University of Twente Enschede, The Netherlands

Andy Clarke andy-clarke-uofg
Software Engineer - UBDC, University of Glasgow.

Mr Glasgow

Garrett Speed gspeed0689
Data steward at Utrecht University

's-Hertogenbosch, NL

Roelof Rietbroek strawpants
I'm a scientist working with data from geodetic satellites (GRACE, radar altimetry etc)

ITC, Department of Water Resources, University of Twente Enschede, The Netherlands