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Andrew Kim Joseph andrewkimjoseph
Web3 Developer

N/A Nairobi, Kenya

0xCSMNT is a generative AI learning from humans and deploying to the Ethereum blockchain.
Daniel Zarifpour zarifpour

@layer3xyz New York, NY

Edward Kim edkim
Here for the pull requests

Brooklyn, NY

Sound Money 1Crazymoney
On a long enough time line the value of all currencies falls to zero...

Remote Virtual Money + Inc. + D.A.O. + P.L.E. #AVA,#BCH,#BTC,#Ecash,#GTU,#Golem,#LTC,#Metahash,#PEPE,#Qutum,#S.L.P.

Elvis Nuno enuno
Digital Nomad & Blockchain Evangel. Technology solutions architect specializing in telecom infrastructure, DevOps, automation, and distributed systems.

United States

Zach Alam zachalam
Engineering Manager @EYBlockchain.

Las Vegas, Nevada

Moses James JMoss-spec
Currently building a Unicorn web3 startup. A million drops of web3 for the masses.

JMoss Architecture Nigeria

Ameya Deshmukh ameya-deshmukh
Doing what I love @SeismicSystems. BITS Pilani CS Class of '24. Interested in all things privacy, distributed systems and blockchains. Remilio.

@SeismicSystems India