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FermiQ FermiQ
Im an intergalactic dust particle; hanging on a limited lifespan; anticipating a lightYr. old ray of luv 2 consummate with QFT; QT; Statistical Probabilistic QC


Martinus Werts mhvwerts

MOLTECH-Anjou, CNRS & Université d'Angers Angers, France

💻 Creative developer, passionate by design, knowledge management and writing!


Axsiow Axsiow

CNRS (ISTerre) - @EIDA Grenoble, France

PARVIN AKTER parvin528
I am a professional programmer

Dhaka bd Dhaka

Tristan NGUYEN manolaz
Emerging techs enthusiast.


io2a io2a
PhD in Information Science //Creator of OTX (conversion server from word processing document to TEI xml document) #SO #DH #IST #Conditor #bibliometrie

IRD France

Emile Rolley ⏚ EmileRolley
J'essaie de faire du mieux que je peux :)

@publicodes @betagouv Toulouse

Alain Marois amarois
Data librarian and open science trainer

École Normale Supérieure de lyon (ENS de Lyon) Lyon

Guillaume Ongenae g-ongenae
Lead Backend Developer at Algoan

@algoan Paris