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Music and metadata geek
Jacek Tomasiak skazi0

Arista Networks Wroclaw, Poland

Vri vrifox

neuedev IT Leipzig, Germany

Rich rap66

SF Bay Area

Chaz Philip ChazPhilipPuglisi
A retired educator who is working hard to develop new synapses.

@IncVillageofBellerose Bellerose Village, NY 11001

Carel Bast carel

Modeling Value Group B.V. Leusden, The Netherlands

Michael Kriese viceice

@visualon Magdeburg, Germany

Programming enthusiast from automotive industry!


Lnxzz Lnxzz

None Netherlands

Steph sensorlogic

Düsseldorf, Germany

Joe Jobo-ds
Cand.scient Data Science


Jason Huebsch jhuebsch

University of Oregon Oregon