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LonelyWolf lonelyWolf-developer
I'm a programmer, long term investor, forex trader and DIYer. Once upon a time, I was a professional locksmith and an eight-ton forklift driver.
Arsenii Kuzin SenMorgan
Embedded and Full-Stack developer 👨‍💻 I bring electronics to life 🤟

EGMedical s.r.o. CZ, Brno

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Juraj Michálek georgik
Making IoT and ESP32 Development simpler with Open Source

Espressif Systems Czech republic, Brno

Jølly Good good-lly
Information wants to spread. Previously: @sentienhq / @satoshilabs / @trezor team

Sentien Prague, Bohemia

Jakub Žitník jzitnik-dev
A user interface is like a joke. If you have to explain it, it means it’s not good. Updated every 5 minutes.

Ostrava, Czech Republic

Pavel Husa pavelhusa
Tech & Music eclectic
David Vobruba DavidCZ2051

SPŠ-ČL Czech Republic

Martin Pohl martinp0
👋🏻 Hello! I am a System Engineer focused on MacOS and MDM with DevOps as a hobby. I am familiar with the IaC Cloudformation and more. If you need any consul

@integromat Prague, Czech Republic

nothing important

@privattttttt in between

Vojta Stoklasa vstkl

Prague, Czech Republic

Petr Drahoš Filip petrsvetr123lol
DBA (IBM Db2 for z/OS), Linux administrator and IoT enthusiast

Kyndryl Czech Republic

Michael Lazan hazarizk
learning, constantly


Radim Karniš radimkarnis

@espressif Brno, Czech Republic

Michal Sviba msviba

Czech republic, Prague

Study at Czech Technical University in Prague on Faculty of Electrical Engineering


Juraj Repcik Yourigh
Electrical engineer // LabVIEW, C, VHDL, Embedded C.

Czech Republic

Matus Ivanecky maty535

Imcontec s.r.o. Presov, Slovakia, EU

Český Tuňák ceskytunak
Born with the internet, grown with the internet, and still connected to it.


Jaroslav Burian Dzarda7
Open Source is the best way to progress and learn.

Vysoké učení technické v Brně Brno

Ondřej Pacovský Ondra9071
Intermediate Web Dev

Czech Republic

Kuba Andrýsek JakubAndrysek
I aim to build innovative tools and products that make developers' lives easier and more productive

@RoboticsBrno Czech Republic

Roman Pavelka ChaoticRoman
Coder, physicist, engineer


Lukáš Trkan lukastrkan
Trying not to dropout from another college 👨‍🎓, kinda sys and network admin 👩‍💻, for some reason also PHP junior.

Czech Republic

Matúš Ollah MatusOllah
16 year old student and gopher

Gymnázium Ružomberok Ružomberok, Slovakia

Jan Kuthan kdosiodjinud

@lmc-eu @almacareer @kdosiodjinud-s-company Czech Republic