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Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Andy Piper andypiper
community, code, and respect.

@mastodon Kingston upon Thames, UK

Wesley Finck weswalla
Life is practice for death.

Vancouver, BC

Max Morgan mjmor
💻👾🛸 – Personal @mjmor – Work @maxatdetroit – 🛸👾💻

City of Detroit Detroit, MI

Patrick Connolly patcon
& this is the wonder that keeps the stars apart. @CivicTechTO orgnzr. @g0v nobody. Polis contrbtr. ex biochmst. ex @edgi-govdata-archiving. #devops #civictech

@CivicTechTO @canada-ca @GCTC-NTGC @hyphacoop Toronto, ON

Bari boskeyacht
rust and ml

Chicago, IL

Josh jgalbsss

Raylu New York City

Eron Lloyd eronlloyd
Eron Lloyd is an ICT engineer, data scientist, and democracy activist. Open source developer at @telecomcraft and @democrobot.

@democrobot Reading, PA

Kyle G KG-ethc

San Jose, California

Andrew Aitken awaiken
Open Source Strategy - 24 years of developing and implementing open-source business and community strategies

durango, co

Chris Lengerich chrislengerich
Earlier work at

Stanford CS

Cogito Ergo Sum standardgalactic
   Standard Galactic Alphabet

Xanadu Canada

Ryan Heck aqualithmedia
Consultant pioneering self-sovereignty, decentralization, and #Value4Value within the #TTRPG hobby and adjacent nerdery. Currently exploring IPFS via TinaCMS

Aqualith Media Minnetonka, MN

Adam Lake creatinglake

Mosaic Foundation Floyd VA

Gianni Hong kkpan11
Coder. Book lover. Enthusiastic cyclist. T1D.

Taipei, Taiwan

LV jlv55


Emmanuel Thomas nuel77
Building apps for the next generation of blockchain
Free Software / LINUX / GODOT / BLENDER / Web3 / Blockchain / Crypto / Metaverse / PHP / JS / PYTHON / GAME

Open to work Remote

Peter A. McKay peteramckay
I ❤️ decentralization.

New York, NY

corey james coreymjames
Ops & Products for Public Goods

Protocol Labs

sukrucildirr sukrucildirr
discord : sukrucildirr
Alexandr Zagorskiy AlexandrZagorskiy
Python Software developer with a background in management
Web3 Capital Web3Capital
Of the Builders.By the Builders.For the Builders. Web3 is a community-driven ecosystem created, built, and served by the builders.

Web3 Capital Singapore

Nathan Almond Nathan-a18
Blockchain Headhunter
Zach Collier zamicol Pueblo, Colorado

Emmanuel Salomon ManUtopiK
+15 years self-taught webdev with php, Node and front... Currently working with:, serverless, nuxt.js, fastify... Happydev 😄  I accept remote jobs!


Marc G Marc-g-Z

Derisk Venture Studio

Matt Richardson esmartwave
I am a consultant that helps organizations with their marketing, business and digital strategies. I help people operationalize their vision.

@smartwave Milwaukee, WI

Pankaj Polkaverse
Senior Blockchain Engineer, Graduate:@Polkadot-Blockchain-Academy Polkadot Address: 16NvHEGiDsqbyEGYktan5KGrEMiwYdWyEm58BgnPpWJ4Edze
Erik Suhonen suhonen
Head of Ecosystem and Decentralized Social Networking Protocol (blockchain and token)


BHawk balao7
Custom Library contributor