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opdai opd-ai
OPD-AI specializes in open-source tools for creative workers, with a focus on tabletop RPG content generation and Bitcoin-based paywall solutions. We build inno
Nocly N0cly

South of France

unclemusclez unclemusclez

unclemusclez nyc

Jéssica Teixeira Jehcky
Software Developer | IT Analyst | Bioinformatics


Thomas Dougherty d0ugherty
Welder in a previous life, now a software engineer supporting the FAA's ground-based navigation projects.

Software Engineer New Jersey / Philadelphia, PA

Vitor Nunciatelli vnunciatelli
Full Stack Dev / IoT Engineer

Sao Paulo - Brazil

Gabriela MarnieGrenat
Data Science student, InfoSec Consultant and Firmware/Back-end Developer. Also known as Marnie Grenat.

@DeerFrog-Studios Porto Alegre, Brazil

Luka skippayy1
Full stack web dev - Php, JS, C# Discovering - Ruby, Bash, Java, Rust

Quebec, Canada

Nathan H Kopperband
Canadian Armed Forces Member who is in the process of learning how to code to hopefully become a software developer.

Halifax, Nova Scotia

Jose Miguel Torres Giot08
💻 Full stack dev



Intellectual Property Office Newport

I’m a passionate software developer, interested in JavaScript, HTML5, startups, entrepreneurship and creating scalable web apps with great UI/UX.


Fabio Celeste FabioCeleste
Front End Developer, currently working with React Native.

XGrow São José dos Campos / SP / Brasil

Rodrigo Soares rodrigoacs
engenheiro de dados que estuda desenvolvimento fullstack

Minas Gerais, Brasil

Sofian Brabez sbz

Toulouse, France

Nivaldo Felizola Nfelizola
Atualmente trabalhando com Programação baseada na Gamificação e Treinamentos para Jovens


adamf9898 adamf9898
I'm a passionate software developer with a love for creating innovative solutions and learning new tech!

9898-MTG USA

CrimsonTome CrimsonTome
Hi, I'm Crimson, a DevOps Engineer and FOSS enthusiast with a passion for Linux sysadmin


Thyago Santos thyagosantorini
Software Developer

Rio de Janeiro - Brasil

Marcos Patrick MarcosPatrickExe
Olá! Me chamo Patrick e sou desenvolvedor Android na empresa Rede Industrial. Graduando em Sistemas e Mídias Digitais na Universidade Federal do Ceará.

Rede Industrial Fortaleza, Ceará, Brasil

Brian Evans codeunifier
Unifying code into elegant solutions.


Felipe Haddad FelipeDH9
I'm 24, bachelor in industrial engineer, seeking for new challenges in the technology and development area.

Sorocaba, São Paulo, Brazil

y-takahashi YusukeTk
