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Iven Chen IceyPlazza
College Freshman Majoring in Computer Science; Double Major in Economics

Vanderbilt University Nashville, Tennessee

Oliver Tzeng olivertzeng
🇹🇼 Taiwanese Arch User


I just wanna learn programming
Sam KiriXen
Lost the old account @KirixenYT :( but we back on the tracks bois


Nightcat night-kat
XMR: 4APgxdvwxUMVARiH18teZaR8WgFNRzHapSmaDpCzqXNgB38NAmuiMUz1VSq2imdjLzQVRen1mEmjjCjYtdFKJ5dLRn4dLVp
John实心球 Johnshixinqiu
Focus on MAS submod translate for guys who love DDLC Monika.
Hosna Hosna1100
Just a girl who is interested in programming at a young age and is now a kinda programmer. I'm 12. My mind's age is above 15, really.
hatsune miku simsekkiz
I am a cartoonist,I wrote a story on the computer in class,I made a movie on my phone,I am the student who reads the most books,I'm from Turkey, I'm from Amasya