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SouthWolf southwolf
A developer that no longer codes

Amplifyhealth Hong Kong

Nikhil Reddy jnikhilreddy

UQ Brisbane, australia

erdem taskiran erdemtaskiran
Cognitive Neuroscience Master Student- CIMeC/Trento

University of Trento Italy

haiyan haiyan0305
psychologist, neuroscientist, and football fan


Henrik Finsberg finsberg
Senior Research Engineer working with Scientific Computing and Computational Physiology

Simula Research Laboratoy Oslo, Norway

Virtualmario virtualmarioe
MD. PhD in #neuroscience interested in #language, high-field fMRI & ECoG | neurosurgery, #neuroprosthetics, ML, oscillations.


Gokul gokul-pv
I am a Computer Vision enthusiast in pursuit of creative solutions for real-life challenges.

Bangalore, India

Laura Riveiro-Lago lauralouvi
Neuroimaging researcher with a background in biomedicine and neuropsychology.


Alberto Finora albfin-98

University of Trento Trento

biomedical/medical image analysis


Shreya Jain shreyaj661
Budding Researcher| Computational Linguistics | Python | NLP | ChatBots | OCR | ML | AI | CI/CD Pipelines

Universität Tübingen Tübingen, Germany

Josh Woller syntheticdinosaur
Neuroscience, Psychology, Human Robot Interaction. Currently studying neural & behavioral sciences (M.Sc.).

Karl Eberhards University Tübingen

Toyota GTS86 2013
Martin E. Johansson mejoh
Researches the neural mechanisms underlying clinical progression of Parkinson's disease, focusing particularly on the role of cortical compensatory mechanisms

Nijmegen, the Netherlands

Natalia Aponte Borges natalia-enid
Computational neuroethology, avian neuroanatomy, and animal behavior. Interested in multi-component sexual signals and different social contexts.

University of Pennsylvania Lenapehoking-Philadelphia

Patricio Solis Urra PatricioSolis-Urra
🎓 PhD in Biomedicine | 🧠 🏃‍♂️ Exercise & Neuroscience Researcher. Part of the PROFITH research group, studying how exercise influences brain health.

University of Granada Granada

Chengyao Xie chengyao-xie
PhD candidate @FedUni Federation University Australia
Surya bulbgod
Lazy researcher, applied mathematician, origamist, Hapkido-ist. Asst Prof, Biomedical Informatics - @CincyInformatix @CincyChildrens

Cincinnati Children's USA

Naiti S. Bhatt naitisb

University of Edinburgh Edinburgh, UK



Lincoln Colling ljcolling
Cognitive scientist based at the University of Sussex

University of Cambridge Cambridge UK

Jared Tanner tannerjared
Associate Professor studying human behavior through MRI and many other tools

University of Florida

Dong-Hui Song donghui1119
Ph.D student in Cognitive Neuroscience

Beijing Normal University Beijing,China

Haitao Ge haitaoge
MRE process

Mayo Clinic Rochester,MN

Brian Nghiem briannghiem
PhD student | BRAIN-TO Lab | MBP @ U of T