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Andres Garcia tech-andgar
Flutter FullStack Developer


Ronald Fabian Garcia RonaldFabianGarcia
Tech lead | Senior Software Developer | Flutter Developer

@Fromsolvers Perú

Ale Diaz ale24dev
I'm a Software Engineer. Open source enthusiast. I love @flutter📱 and @nodejs💻.

Tropipay Havana

Leynier Gutiérrez González leynier
Head of Engineering & Founding team member at @educup • CS graduate at @matcom

@educup @lynot

Pierre Guillen cerberodev
Mobile Software Engineer | Organizer & Founder of @FlutterPeru & @FlutterIca | Member of @flutter-es

@CerberoDev Lima, Perú

Vanessa Berazategui Vanessa-Berazategui
Computer Engineer and @flutter Developer 👩‍💻

Geocom Uruguay Montevideo, Uruguay

waltergerez wgerez
#flutter & #vuejs lover
Samuel Kanyi samuelkanyi
I love simple and elegant solutions for every problem.

Yellow Card Nairobi

AnthonyDev anthonyaquino83
Anthony Stark is a brazilian software engineer since 2003, born in Piauí. Professional exp: COBOL, Natural, Angular, Vue, Laravel, PostgreSQL, Flutter, Ionic.

Brasília, Brasil.

Joseph García josephdgb96
Pizza + Dev = ❤

Ebit Software

Daniel Aguilar Onnichan
I like to develop while listening to music to relax.

Tacna, Perú

Juanmw juanmriverag

@SophosSolutions Colombia

Wachu985 Wachu985
💻 Programador y Gamer 🎮 a Tiempo Completo😏👌


Luiz Augusto luiz158

Curitba/PR - Brasil

Robert Junior Alvarez RobertAlvv
Mobile Developer, I like to create intuitive mobile interfaces and test new technologies

Mobile Developer at SEEK PE. Republica Dominicana

Kenyk Romero kenyk7
Frontend React, Vue(ts, js) y Flutter dev

Auna Lima - Perú


Rancagua, Chile

Luis De la Cruz LDelaCruzP
Backend Developer Odoo

Mala - Cañete

Jorge Atempa jatempa
Programming enthusiast💻🤓 in constant learning📚. I like the good series & movies 🎞️ and coffee lover ☕.

Instituto Tecnológico de Mexicali Mexicali, Baja California

Yojacni yojacni
Mobile Developer


Tomas Piaggio tpiaggio
Software engineer and Google Developer Expert for @firebase

@VGVentures Montevideo, Uruguay

Marcos Sevilla marcossevilla
senior engineer @VGVentures

@VGVentures Barcelona, Spain