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Bea beagandica

@microsoft & @NuevoFoundation

Jennifer Arguello ticachica
Dir. Product at GitHub Education - Building for social good. 🌎 Ex Netlify, Salesforce, Mozilla, MSFT

@github San Francisco Bay Area, CA, USA

sarismejiasanchez sarismejiasanchez
Computer Engineer, Applied Programming Specialist and Learning Python 🐍 #NuncaParesDeAprender
Jessie Houghton houghj16

Microsoft Seattle, WA

Henrique Eulálio Henrique-Eulalio02
Student of Information Systems at State University of Campinas (UNICAMP).

Universidade Estadual de Campinas - UNICAMP

Daniel Kraft frigginglorious
Punk Music and Open Source Software and Swords.

Eau Claire, WI

Joao Madureira joaoma

Microsoft Corporation Redmond

El Bruno elbruno
AI and NET Advocate @microsoft, former Microsoft AI MVP (14 years!), lazy runner, lazy podcaster, avg coder

Microsoft Toronto, Canada