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AlexNathanson alexnathanson
Alex Nathanson is a technologist, designer, artist, and educator whose work is focused on practical and creative applications of sustainable energy systems.
Aouf Nihed AoufNihed
Engineering Student @Esgee👋


Hirad Rasoolinejad Hiiirad
DevSecOps Engineer | eBPF and XDP | Cyber Security Researcher | Telco Cloud | Rust | Open Source Contributor
Maximilian Pohl pohlm01
Cybersecurity expert, working at @tweedegolf and loving Rust


Carlos Arango arango1988
👨‍💻 Code is never perfect.


G. quinniup
Programming is a interesting story. Never give up!

Nothing. Hangzhou

Steven Kalt SKalt
I'm a full-stack engineer interested in data engineering, GIS, network analysis, and renewable energy.

River Point Technology Philadelphia, PA

Yiyuan Jia yiyuan1840
building performance simulation practitioner, BEMP

Denver, CO

Ace ace-roger


Don Jackson dcj

LikeStream San Francisco Bay Area

Markus Fleschutz mfleschutz
Energy flexibility researcher, cleantech enthusiast, and Python developer from Germany

HKA Karlsruhe