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Sebastián Benítez sebastianbenitezW
Наше дело правое, враг будет разбит, победа будет за нами.

San Salvador, ES

MIT, Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies, New Ventures, nerding, algorithms, python, javascript
Y11 XiaomingX
Software Dev @ X | Linux, Java, Spring, Python, Go, Next.js | Open Source Enthusiast | LLM Innovator | M.Sc. in Software Engineering 🚀

uhaka japan

gaurav bitcoinsSG
I value revolutions, decentralization, honesty, liberty, solidarity, privacy, plebeians, selflessness, the socratic and the scientific method.


Sharath S Pawar sharathspawar
I'm interested in solving complex unsolved problems haunting the industry. Technology, you name it. In a couple of hours. We are ready to go. Extrovert + Code

@Probots-Techno-Solutions Bengaluru

Peter Kovář 1div0
50 65 74 65 72 20 4B 6F 76 C3 A1 C5 99


Alan Szmyt szmyty

Boston, Massachusetts

※ IP Saxophone ※ ipsax
🂡 kyphernet 🂱

Graph Owls cyberspace

Hirad Rasoolinejad Hiiirad
DevSecOps Engineer | eBPF and XDP | Cyber Security Researcher | Telco Cloud | Rust | Open Source Contributor
Nicklas Körtge n1ckl0sk0rtge
Researcher and Software Engineer with focus on Quantum Safe and Security
Sachin Kumar Diophantus03

@UWaterloo Ontario, Canada

ICT, organization, finance and life: empowerment ignites! Strengthening individuals, and stimulating growth through optimism and pragmatism


Shubham Kumar chmodshubham
Research Engineer | 5G Core SA | Devops | Cloud Computing

Research Engineer at University of Delhi Delhi, India

Timo Sarkar sartimo
building cool things @galadrielxyz & threat intelligence @andarielsec


AddyTiv AdityaKoranga
5G | DevOps | ORAN | 5G Core | Post-Quantum Cryptography | DeWi | zKP Enthusiast |
Silona Silona

Personal account Austin Texas

Jacob Prud'homme jacobprudhomme
UWaterloo BCS + EPFL/ETHZ MSc CyberSec // Previously @blindsidenetworks, @360incentives, @escrypt, @sigopt, @crypto4a, @missioncontrol

Junior Software Engineer at Mission Control Space Services Lausanne, VD, Switzerland

nivalis ❆ jerlendds
Fuck Microsoft, use codeberg, fight for liberty! Keep FLOSSing my friends, let's keep the net squeaky clean 🦷🧵💪

Private ~ this ones public though ;) Cypherspace

Kotaro Terada kotarot
‣ Quanmatic - Director of Application Development ‣ Waseda Univ. - Researcher / Lecturer ‣ tribox - Software Engineer ‣ Apache NiFi Committer

Quanmatic Inc. / Waseda Univ. / TORIBO Japan

Jos van Dongen jvdongen

Tholis Consulting Bussum, Netherlands

Shotaro Nakamura nakasyou
I think that Web is a pretty great place🪄

Tokyo, Japan

Shouran MA OChicken
A PhD student at LTH Lund

LTH Lund Lund, Sweden

Dr. Massimiliano Pala opencrypto
Prolific Inventor, Outstanding Engineer, Enthusiastic Hacker, Ethical Cryptographer, Professor, Mentor, and Founder.

OpenCA Labs United States

Mohammadreza Hendiani Man2Dev
Fedora linux package maintainer | Fedora AI-ML sig member 🤖 | Advocate for Open Source 🌐 | Passionate about secure and transparent technology 🌍
Ascot koqoo
Disruptive Stuff ᴼᴺly 🧡 🦾