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Rod Sairab rod4u1979

Manila Philippines

Dylan Yoli Buelvas Dylan-YB

Cartagena, BO, Colombia

Mike MakeItBack
I like building things, climbing mountains and anything with chilli.

Melbourne, Australia

Paul paulmockford
Making open source secure
Anilcan KARA anilcan-kara

Ministry of Justice Sydney

@tugich tugich
I have become a master at devising strategies that enable me to sneak in more coffee breaks than a barista at a busy cafe.


June-Hao Hou junehao
Director & Associate Professor in Digital Media and Production Environment, Graduate Institute of Architecture, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan

National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University Hsinchu, Taiwan

Joe Harden JoesTechRoom

Beaver Area School District

Nimesh Saveendra nimeshnsat
Software Architect - Specialized in ultra low latency mission critical distributed financial software systems

Sri Lanka

Prashanth pcs-work
Technical Services Engineer @ Spring Systems, Tripleplay Products

Spring Systems Riyadh

Dane Abernathy daneabernathy
Director of User Support Services at Norwich University

Norwich University Northfield, Vermont

starshine thstarshine
SRE / Backend Developer @ Fortuna Intelligence

Taipei, Taiwan

Nick Velkavrh nvelkavrh

Whittier College Whittier, CA

birb.execuable BirbEXE
who even reads these?


Jamie Lynn Auryea
Tech mommy who runs, gardens, plays video games and now learning to code. Trying to be ahead of the curve on blockchain technologies and ecosystems.

Fort Walton Beach, Florida

Passionate Software Developer. I love solving problems and creating new features to enhance customer satisfaction.

Coseke Uganda

Joshua Todd Cowper jtc

Brisbane, Queensland, Australia