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Megan McKissack meganmckissack

@hackoregon Portland, Oregon

张 Xealong A-FK369
生物->动物科->灵长类; Human beings, on the other hand, are reeds that can think


Alexandra Bremers bremers
AI, interaction & design PhD student.

Cornell Tech New York, New York

Anmol Jain Anmol369
Wonder, blunder, salve, solve! Working on tools that expand what people can think and do. Past: Product Manager @ Fintech Start-up; Founded a tech start-up
Juan Ignacio Cuiule juancuiule
Web Development at El Gato y La Caja 🧪👨‍💻 Systems Engineering UTN-FRBA 📚

@elgatoylacaja Buenos Aires

Janice Lee lee-janice
pomona 21 / nyu 25 c:


P patduckless
SysAdmin. NetAdmin. DevOps.

West Lothian