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Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


EndUser KeneUkwueze
Research interest: Mobile Robotics, RL, Precision Agriculture & XR

Abuja, Nigeria

yangfengzzz yangfengzzz
GPGPU, Graphics and Simulation


Niccolo pucciland95
Robotics Engineer at @hirorobotics PhD in Industrial Robotics Passionate about robot planning and control

@hirorobotics Italy

Emir Cem Gezer incebellipipo
I build robots. I program linux. I play instruments.

NTNU: Norwegian University of Science and Technology Trondheim, Norway

Josef JosefGst
ROS developer

LSCM Hong Kong

Yash Nasit yash8003
👋 Hi, I'm Yash Nasit, a passionate 3rd-year robotics engineer with a deep enthusiasm for the Robot Operating System (ROS2) and its impact on modern robotics.
João Pedro Alves jpalves
Técnico superior de apoio à investigação científica

Home Coimbra Portugal

Iker Peral del Pino iperal2021
Student of robotics software engineering at University Rey Juan Carlos


Juan S. Cely juanscelyg
Assistant Professor at URJC | Robotics Researcher | Ph.D. in Automation and Robotics by UPM

Rey Juan Carlos University Spain

Swaraj swarajpeppermint
Building Robots in service of the Human Race. Robotics Engineer at @Peppermint-Robots

Peppermint Robotics Pune, India

zhanghongyu lucifer-zhy
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China

University of Electronic Science and Technology of China

WangNing sweetquiet
Mobile Robot Enthusiasts

CIMC Co., Ltd. Shenzhen China

Sanchit Kedia Sanchitkedia

University of Maryland Maryland, United States

Sahruday saahu27
Passionate about Physics & Math and Games. everything else is a byproduct.

NIST College Park

JiaYiChen MakinJa
Programming enthusiast, years of learning experience, like cpp、js、react etc.
mehmet enes avcu avcuenes
An autonomous robotics engineer #C++ #ROS #MATLAB #Python #Robotics #AutonomousDriving #Optimization #ModelPredictiveControl #PX4 #NavigationaandGuidance
Patrick Roncagliolo roncapat
Robotics and Computer Engineer. Space addicted.

Thales Alenia Space Italy Turin (TO), Italy

Mohammed Tousif Zaman zamantousif
Interested in Robotics, Autonomous Vehicles, Games, Software and much more.

GIM Robotics Oy Finland

Andreas Bresser brean
Robotics Developer @dfki-ric (task planning for autonomous systems)

@dfki-ric Bremen, Germany