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Gabriel Vinícius gabrielgvss
20-year-old Information Systems student at IFMA - Monte Castelo. Data Enthusiast

São Luís, Maranhão - Brasil

Marcio "Alexandrino" Sá AlexandrinoMaranhao
S.I. - IFMA; French New Wave and other types of old movies enjoyer; Has been a consistent failure as coder but maybe not so much as a human being, seems so.

IFMA - MTC São Luís, MA - Brasil

Kauã Nogueira kauaumnougueira
Graduando em Sistemas de informação pelo IFMA
Daniel Araújo programacaosuprema
Bachelor in Information System
João Paulo Falcão jplfalcao
Entusiasta de tecnologias livres e amante de uma tela preta!

Pernambuco, Brasil

Samuel Renan Gonçalves Vaz samuelrvg
Full Stack Dev - C#, Js, React, React Native, Python, Vue, Angular

@CWISoftware Cuiabá - MT

Leonel Sanches da Silva leonelsanchesdasilva
Software Engineer and Solutions Architect, Programming Languages creator: Delégua, LMHT, FolEs, LinConEs. Serialization libraries maintainer (xslt-processor).

@DesignLiquido California, USA

Kerlyson Santos kerlyson

São Luis, MA - Brazil

Fredson Chaves fredsonchaves07
python & java developer | software architecture enthusiast | Flask, Spring Boot | @Ritma-RH @objective-solutions 👨🏻‍💻

São Luís, Maranhão, Brasil

Elias Lima EliasRLima

São Luís,Maranhão,Brasil