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Tainá Santana narakushi
Bacharela em Sistemas de Informação. Desenvolvedora Front-end, gosto de solucionar problemas e sentir que a solução que construí de fato foi e será útil.
Wizard of Creation code-wizard21k
Look, I am a powerful wizard in the digital realm, and I have the power to create extraordinary things.

TechaSoft home

Bruna Verrone verronebrunaa
- Perfil novo | New Profile | Nuevo Perfil - Jr Full Stack Developer.

Sorocaba, SP, BRA

Bruna Espindola BruEspindola
Front end Developer


Luisa Luisa-m17
Program development is ART
Cléo "Chii Kozume" Lima Cleok3Lima
Software Engineer - React.Js - Next.Js - Typescript - Javascript
Solange Nalão solangenalao
I am a Front-end Developer who graduated from Multimedia Production. I am passionate about books, games, tabletop RPG (D&D) and dark chocolate.

São Paulo

Carlos Daniel carlosdancr
Desenvolvedor Front-end & UI Designer.

Anápolis, GO, Brazil

Gabriel Pereira Gabriel02ps
A dev focusing on web development!

FortBrasil Fortaleza,Brazil

Samir Souza SamirSouzaSys
I seek to help in the development of the ideas.

Software Engineer São Luís, Maranhão, Brazil

Felipe 'Campeiro' Mamede mamede

Gama, Distrito Federal - Brasil

Gustavo Almeida gustavofsa
Frontend Developer and Computer Science student passionate about technology | React | React Native | Typescript


Yasmin Teles YasminTeles
Computer Scientist

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Felipe Oliveira felipe-b-oliveira
Software Developer

RJ, Brasil

Elen Magalhães elenmagalhaes

Software Engineer III at XP Inc São Paulo/SP

João Costa llinq
Front-end Developer

Dart Digital Franca/SP - Brazil

Elsayed Saber Saber-Elsayed
𝐅𝐮𝐥𝐥-𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐒𝐨𝐟𝐭𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐄𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐞𝐫

Beer Sheva

Jezebel Guedes Jezebel1990
Front end developer

Mauá, São Paulo - BR

Cordeiro Luís corde177
Front-End Developer

Luanda - Angola

Peter Martens petermartens98
AI Developer | Cognitive Neuroscience Grad
Thiago Silva Viana thiago123potter
Perfil em constante desenvolvimento... literalmente! Computação em nuvem AWS. Python. Desenvolvimento Web Front-End. HTML, CSS, Javascript.
Full stack developer
Joceyr Gomes Martins joeymartins00
Sou estudante de programação, futuro Técnico em Desenvolvimento de Sistemas. Busco sempre me manter atualizado em tudo o que envolve o meio tecnológico. <\>


Haja Haja-dev
Hola, I'm Haja. I'm a Front-end developer. I am creating some side projects. You can contact me with the website below for more infos.

Antananarivo, Madagascar

Rafael Martins rafaelmartins92
Software Developer | Front-end | React JS | Next.js | JavaScript | TypeScript | Wordpress | VTEX |

Santos, SP, Brazil

João Victor Prado pradojvictor
front-end developer, focusing on learning and making the code as simple as possible
Joao Victor G. Rodrigues Joao-vi
Front-end Developer React.Js. On the way to become a specialist on front-end applications.


Ingrid Aquino Ingridaquino
Front-end developer, focused on React. I have a lot to learn.
Renata Karolina renatarko
🚀 Front End Developer. I'm a passion for crafting UI/UX designs 💜

Mato Grosso do Sul

Vanessa Santana vanessa-dev
Web Developer, Fall in love for technology.
Bea D. beadobruski
web developer Rio de Janeiro, RJ

Felipe Medeiros fmedeirost
formação em biomedicina, javascript e baixista nas horas vagas


Victor Nascimento victornns
Web Developer | Frontend

São Paulo

Samantha Cardoso cardososamantha
software engineer, aesthetic coding

Junto Seguros Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

Matheus Lascalla Matheus-nb
🚀 Desenvolvedor Front-end apaixonado por React e especialista em usabilidade e performance! 🎯


Murilo Messias murimessias
Frontend Software Engineer at @dogandpony

@dogandpony Londrina, PR - Brazil

Talita TalitaDSM
Hello! I'm a software development student from Brazil. FatecZL


Lays Marie Hidani layshidani
Front end Developer

@PicPay SP, Brazil

Yuri Carvalho Peixoto YuriCPS
Software Engineer @ XP Inc.

Trybe Campina Grande, Paraíba - Brazil

Walace Felix Silvério walacefex
Desenvolvedor Front-End. Design UX & UI. Amante de educação e inovação.

Gol Linhas Aereas S.A. Brazil - São Paulo