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Junin Studio juninstudio
art & architectural historian
MrSakine MrSakine
Software Engineer


Saheed LASISI realsaid84
Software Engineering consultant with years of experience developing secure web applications, reliable server-side services, and development operations.


Tertius Stander OsirisXTLS
Long-time SysAdmin, DevOps pro, and aspiring Platform Engineer with a knack for Cloud. Passionate tinkerer exploring scalable solutions.

Cape Town, South Africa

Artur Komorowski aokomorowski

@physitrack Gdańsk, Poland

Mohd Ehtisham Ansari thisismohdehtisham
MERN developer and Coding enthusiast

New Delhi

Chris Olstrom colstrom

@SUSE Vancouver, BC

Nash Tsai nashtsai Hangzhou, China

Brian Fletcher punkle

@RoadieHQ Dublin, Ireland

Iliyan Petkov iliyan-s-petkov

DojoBits Sofia, Bulgaria

Lucas Mello mellolucas
Philomath | DevOps Platform Software Engineer | Full-Cycle Problem Solver 2>/dev/null

echo ${HOME}

Borja Paz Rodríguez borjapazr
💻 Software Engineer • 🧬 Transforming ideas into code, shaping my weltanschauung • 🎬 Film buff

@plexus-tech / @inditex Galicia, Spain

Pete Warnock pwarnock

Irvine, California, USA

Ganiev Shamil ganievs

@platacard Paphos, Cyprus

Adem Simsek flash-me
The magic you're looking for is in the work you're avoiding.

@volkswagen-group Germany

Canux crazy-canux
Software Engineer Go/Python/TS/Linux


Matías Monegal mmonegal-sw
Development Operations at @Switch-Software-Solutions

@Switch-Software-Solutions Montevideo, Uruguay

mingyuchoo mingyuchoo

LG CNS Seoul,Korea

"Code is like humor. When you have to explain it, it’s bad." - Cory House


Ilya Pashkov ispashkov
Senior Software Engineer


Lithesh Shetty shettylithesh
Software Engineer @fidelity Investments


Marvelous rose rhose1234
Frontend Engineer

Ibadan oyo state

Olang Daniel Asterisk-z
Full Stack Software Engineer

Reasvan Cloud

Paul 94v1c8

@h07i @m1d03 Adelaide, Australia

Ed edRibas
Aspiring full-stack engineer. Actively seeking opportunities and expanding my knowledge daily. 🚀
0xSam sammed-21
Frontend heavy web3 Developer | DEX enthusiast | Defi | NFT | Web3 | Blockchain | Ether.js | Next.js | Famer


Mani maniroudsari
Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering
Robert Porscha Zigu
Java Backend-Developer


Barroso Filho barrosohub
⚡AI & Software Engineering | Expertise in React, TypeScript, Cloud Integrations | Microsoft Certified

Teresina, PI, Brazil