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Will wrwillrosa
Senior Software Engineer | Rails | Laravel | PostgreSQL | Scrum
Lợi Nguyễn rubyhcm
Try your best to get your dream !!!

RubyDevTeam Viet Nam

Claude Ayitey claudey
Engineer, Designer, Builder

@DevCongress @candlelitcare

Neenu Chacko neenu-chacko
Software Engineer @bigbinary

@bigbinary Muvattupuzha, Kerala

Ahmed Nadar AhmedNadar
Ruby on Rails Developer. Love to build software with HTML, CSS, Hotwire, Stimulus, Ruby, and Rails. Open to connect and build cool products 🙌🏼

Canada, Toronto

Stephen Ierodiaconou stevegeek
Freelance Ruby dev, advising & helping startups: Ruby / Rails / JavaScript / TypeScript / node.js


Obaid Ashfaq obaidashfaq20
Ruby on Rails Developer

Lahore, Pakistan

Dennis Kamau devcamke

Mode Inc

Adrian Grimm usmcamgrimm
I enjoy learning new things and love to build and create awesome things with code!

Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare Rockledge, FL

ciscoLegrand ciscoLegrand

@CheckealosUX Santiago de Compostela, Galicia

Marco Roth marcoroth
Rubyist, Full-Stack Devloper and Open Source Contributor

Basel, Switzerland

Zilvinas Kucinskas ZilvinasKucinskas
Software engineer passionate about the Web, and SaaS, who loves Ruby 💎, Rails 🛤 and Hotwire ⚡️.

@ExportData Vilnius, Lithuania

Joel Drapper joeldrapper
Author and maintainer of Phlex, Literal, Quickdraw, Morphlex — cohost Rooftop Ruby.

Oxfordshire, UK

Lucian Ghinda lucianghinda
Polymorphic Senior Ruby Developer, curator of ShortRuby Newsletter. Bucharest