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Jeff Martens jeffmartens

@DeterminateSystems Portland, OR & San Francisco, CA

Jason Odoom jasonodoom
F3DD 4A7B 465A 4EB1 823E 2EE2 68CC AF80 768A 91A5

Washington, D.C.

Alex Jackson ajaxbits

@upside-services Chicago

Connor Baker ConnorBaker
Nix Engineer and Nix CUDA Maintainer. Interested in formal methods, Haskell, Lean, type & category theory, and computational photography!

Costa Mesa, CA

Morgan Jones numinit
Amateur radio operator, NixOS maintainer, and software engineer at @Viasat


Tristan Ross RossComputerGuy
Low level programmer, OS/Zig/Linux dev, Nixpkgs & LLVM committer. Likes to watch 大空スバル (Subaru Oozora).


Riya Bisht b1shtream
21, interested in Computer Architecture & exploring low-level systems
