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Federico Blasi blasif

Zurich, Switzerland

Rukshan Ranatunge rukshn
Health Informatics Specialist at SwissTPH

SwissTPH Basel, Switzerland

Kabeyabindje yamsbindje1
R Progamming, STATA, Python, Power BI, Excel, SQL, Tableau,QGIS, ArcGIS Pro, R-Shiny.

TPH Goma

Amolo brianraila
assert(code == life) Python, Javascript?

Software Developer Nairobi, Kenya

Narendra Singh iamnarendrasingh
Torture the data, and it will confess to anything.

@PMA-2020 Jaipur

Jamel Belgacem JamBelg
Machine learning | AI | Python | R | SQL



Kintampo Health Research Centre Ghana, Kintampo

Zeineb khelifi-zeineb
i'am in the process of becoming the best version of myself
Nivia Xiao-Nivia-M

University of Basel Switzerland

Juste Goungounga jgoungounga
Ass. Professor in Biostatistics and health data (Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Santé Publique)

EHESP School of public health Rennes

Manuela Runge ManuelaRunge
Infectious disease epidemiologist specialized on malaria modeling.

@numalariamodeling Switzerland